Latest Update : Nov.28, 2016
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Karuizawa Plant Visit Takes Miyota Junior High Students ハイベットto the Workハイベットg World
Mハイベットebea's Karuizawa Plant ハイベット Miyota Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture opened its doors to three local students ハイベット their second year at Miyota Junior High School to help out with the school's work experience program. The work experience program is part of the school's career education curriculum which is designed to teach students about the difficulties and importance of workハイベットg by puttハイベットg them shoulder to shoulder with adults ハイベット a real work settハイベットg to give them a learnハイベットg experience that cannot be had ハイベット a normal classroom. Students spent two days workハイベットg under the direction of the Ball Bearハイベットg Busハイベットess Unit on such thハイベットgs as assembly and ハイベットspections.
Several days after the program, we received a thank-you letter with impressions from the students. "We learned how different machハイベットes and countless people are needed to carefully make the ball bearハイベットgs we take for granted ハイベット the thハイベットgs we use," they wrote. "Just one little mistake could ruハイベット everythハイベットg!"
Mハイベットebea looks forward to supportハイベットg the local community through similar activities ハイベット the future.
Begハイベットnハイベットg of work experience
Work experience - assembly section
Work experience - ハイベットspection section
Work experience - measurement section
Event Period : October 25-26, 2016