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This nationally recognized, LEED Platinum and USGBC Building of the Year, included the construction of a new 80,000 SF, three-story Science Complex.

Monterey Park, CA
LA Community College District
LEED Platinum

The LA Harbor College Science Complex design-build project included fume hood laboratory construction, as well as new laboratory classrooms, lecture halls, bc game sports bettingreception areas, office space, outdoor greenhouse, outdoor classroom and related support space. Courtyard landscaping was also included, along with the outdoor classroom space, to encourage collaboration among students and faculty. Sustainable features of the building include bc game best betting websitethe use of natural daylight, quality ventilation, sustainable building envelope materials and energy efficient glass and sunshades for metal panels and exterior plaster. The project was constructed on an active and busy college campus and the governing agency was DSA.

• New Buildings bc game sports bettingInstitute Zero Net Energy Emerging Building Award
• U.S. Green Building Council - Los Angeles Building of the Year
• U.S. Green Building Council - Los Angeles Energy & Atmosphere Honor Award
• U.S. Green Building Council - Los Angeles Innovation and Design Merit Award
• SCUP/AIA-CAE bc game best casinoExcellence in Campus Architecture Honor Award (national)

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