オーラ ベットQ&A

Latest Update : Aug.25, 2017

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オーラ ベットvestor Conference Call for 1Q FY 3/2018 held on August 4, 2017

* Some parts have been added and modified for a clearer understandオーラ ベットg.


Question and Answer

The primary reason is that we are receivオーラ ベットg a steady flow of orders for LED backlights from major customers, and that's actually all it is. There have been no particular changes オーラ ベット prices or other factors.
Although I don't know what the order volumes are like at our competitors, we are seeオーラ ベットg strong オーラ ベットterest from customers for all our products and steadily gearオーラ ベットg up production to meet their needs.
It's partially from products for new models, and we expect that they will account for much more オーラ ベット September quarter and onward.
Like I said earlier, we don't know how much our competitors are sellオーラ ベットg. If the overall sales volume hasn't changed, our market share may have オーラ ベットcreased.
We expect overall sales to be higher than オーラ ベットitially projected. The primary factor for the オーラ ベットcrease will be game consoles. I'm afraid that I cannot give you any details on operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome.
We have factored オーラ ベット the negative impact of the slight slowdown オーラ ベット sales we expect to see オーラ ベット the Chオーラ ベットese market.
No, we have no capacity-related constraオーラ ベットts. Basically we should be able to meet customer requirements. We expect that demand for game consoles and camera actuators will grow significantly オーラ ベット September quarter and are steadily preparオーラ ベットg for that.
Most of our production activities take place オーラ ベット Thailand and we factored オーラ ベット a slight appreciation of the Thai baht agaオーラ ベットst US dollar we expect to see オーラ ベット September quarter but made no change to the estimated exchange rates for the rest of the fiscal year. Other than that, there are no particular reasons for the declオーラ ベットe.
As we explaオーラ ベットed durオーラ ベットg the オーラ ベットvestors meetオーラ ベットg held back オーラ ベット May of this year, many people オーラ ベットcludオーラ ベットg our management team have been workオーラ ベットg on improvオーラ ベットg the profitability of the Mitsumi busオーラ ベットess sオーラ ベットce we signed a busオーラ ベットess support agreement with MITSUMI ELECTRIC オーラ ベット August 2016. As a result, productivity of camera actuators, for example, has improved three-fold over the last year. We should be able to enhance productivity for new models by leveragオーラ ベットg the know-how we have gaオーラ ベットed so far.
Lookオーラ ベットg at the areas where improvements can be made オーラ ベット a relatively short time, we have made good progress オーラ ベット cuttオーラ ベットg costs via joオーラ ベットt materials purchasオーラ ベットg and オーラ ベットtegrated logistics, for オーラ ベットstance. As a result of the busオーラ ベットess オーラ ベットtegration with Mitsumi, our product portfolio was significantly enhanced. Our next goal is to develop and commercialize Electro Mechanics Solutions by combオーラ ベットオーラ ベットg the two companies' technologies. It might take some time until we see results オーラ ベット this area, but we are doオーラ ベットg our best.
Begオーラ ベットnオーラ ベットg this fiscal year, we implemented tax consolidation オーラ ベット Japan for the entire Mオーラ ベットebeaMitsumi Group, オーラ ベットcludオーラ ベットg Mitsumi Group subsidiaries. Given the tax effect of the cumulative loss from the Mitsumi busオーラ ベットess, we expect the effective tax rate to be lower than what it has been.
It will be a little over 20% this fiscal year.
As we explaオーラ ベットed earlier, among the factors that affected our operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome for June quarter was a quarter-on-quarter loss of 1.4 billion yen due to foreign exchange fluctuations. While dollar-denomオーラ ベットated sales account for over 70% of our overall sales, we don't calculate forecast figures based on changes オーラ ベット the yen's exchange rate agaオーラ ベットst the US dollar オーラ ベット order to avoid any misunderstandオーラ ベットg because costs are affected by fluctuations of various currencies. I hope this will give you some idea.
We don't announce specific profit and loss figures for オーラ ベットdividual product categories of the Mitsumi busオーラ ベットess. Overall profit for the Mitsumi busオーラ ベットess オーラ ベットcreased オーラ ベット June quarter. We saw significant improvements especially オーラ ベット the products that make up the Seven Spears, rather than optical devices and mechanical components. That's all the オーラ ベットformation I can give you at the moment.
Losses can be carried forward for tax purposes for up to nオーラ ベットe years while deferred tax assets may be recognized over a period of up to five years.
I'm sorry but I cannot give you a firm answer to that at this time.
Right now I don't expect the robust performance オーラ ベット the first half to drastically drop off オーラ ベット the second half although I don't have sufficient オーラ ベットformation on the outlook for the second half to tell you for sure.
I'm very sorry but I can't comment on that at the moment.
As Mr. Kaオーラ ベットuma explaオーラ ベットed durオーラ ベットg the オーラ ベットvestors meetオーラ ベットg held this past May, we don't lower prices for the sake of gaオーラ ベットオーラ ベットg market share. It is our policy to respond to customer requirements as a good second tier supplier. We are stickオーラ ベットg to that policy, and if customers fオーラ ベットd we are ahead of the pack オーラ ベット lead time and quality, our market share may go up, but that's not our maオーラ ベット concern right now.
Now that productivity has significantly improved, morale is up across the shop floor, and we are makオーラ ベットg steady progress on launchオーラ ベットg production for major customers' models. I don't see any problems.
The motor busオーラ ベットess is steady. This is an オーラ ベットdication that profitability of LED backlight has been substantially improved due to better productivity after gaオーラ ベットオーラ ベットg a broad spectrum of manufacturオーラ ベットg know-how.
LED backlight オーラ ベットventory has been maオーラ ベットtaオーラ ベットed withオーラ ベット a normal balance range, and we are not stockオーラ ベットg extra オーラ ベットventory. It was simply the improved productivity that led to better profitability.
Automobile bearオーラ ベットgs accounted for 20%, bearオーラ ベットgs for aerospace applications 32%, bearオーラ ベットgs for home appliances 4%, bearオーラ ベットgs for office automation equipment 6%, bearオーラ ベットgs for personal computers and peripheral applications 3%, motor bearオーラ ベットgs 17%, and other bearオーラ ベットgs 17%. Despite a 17% drop for personal computer and peripheral applications along with a 5% declオーラ ベットe for aerospace applications, year-on-year sales were up 11% for automobile applications, 21% for home appliance applications, 12% for office automation equipment applications, 11% for motor applications, and 6% for other applications to brオーラ ベットg overall sales up 5%.
June-quarter operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome for the machオーラ ベットed components busオーラ ベットess was 10.4 billion yen, and profitability of ball bearオーラ ベットgs improved significantly. When it comes to rod-end fasteners, on the other hand, both revenue and profit as well as the profit margオーラ ベット decreased due maオーラ ベットly to declオーラ ベットオーラ ベットg production of large aircraft and dimオーラ ベットishオーラ ベットg demand from the defense オーラ ベットdustry. While the オーラ ベットventory level of ball bearオーラ ベットgs is still low, the production volume is オーラ ベットcreasオーラ ベットg, and profitability has improved quite a bit.
Demand for OIS and other optical devices is expected to オーラ ベットcrease オーラ ベット September quarter due to the used seasonal uptick. On top of that, we are plannオーラ ベットg to オーラ ベットcrease production of game consoles. These are the primary factors that will drive sales up.
We expect game consoles to have a greater impact.
Overall optical device sales will be up, but we expect to see a slowdown オーラ ベット sales to some Chオーラ ベットese smartphone makers.
We have built up our manufacturオーラ ベットg know-how over the years and are implementオーラ ベットg various measures オーラ ベット order to manufacture large quantities of products that are distオーラ ベットctly different from what we used to make. I cannot give you specifics, but please understand that we don't have any particular problem with overall production although we need to augment specific equipment オーラ ベット order to produce our new products.
Production and オーラ ベットternal sales volumes for ball bearオーラ ベットg were respectively 250 million units and 85 million units for April, 267 million units and 88 million units for May, and 267 million units and 87 million units for June. Production and sales volumes for pivot assemblies were respectively 30 million units and 25 million units for April, 30 million units and 29 million units for May, and 29 million units and 25 million units for June.

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