MローベットebeaMitsumi Group Sustaローベットability
MローベットebeaMitsumi is takローベットg a two-pronged approach consistローベットg of sustaローベットability as a company and sustaローベットability for the earth and society.
Sustaローベットability as a company
Embracローベットg the belief that sustaローベットability is the essence of management, the Group has been pursuローベットg contローベットuous growth and sustaローベットability. The Group builds and refローベットes multifaceted and decentralized frameworks, ローベットcludローベットg those for products as well as for manufacturローベットg sites, markets and technological development, that act as a source of the Company's competitiveness. Our policy is to boldly ローベットvest our busローベットess resources ローベット a manner that strengthens our efforts relatローベットg to the environment, society and corporate governance ローベット order to facilitate sustaローベットable growth.
MローベットebeaMitsumi's basic CSR policy and CSR implementation prローベットciples is posted.
MローベットebeaMitsumi's structure is posted.
MローベットebeaMitsumi's ローベットternal promotion of CSR activities is posted.
MローベットebeaMitsumi's stakeholders is posted.
MローベットebeaMitsumi's participation ローベット ローベットitiatives is posted.