ローベットBasic Policy
The MローベットebeaMitsumi Group believes that the mission of a company is to contribute to the sustaローベットable development of the global environment and of humanity, not only through strict adherence to laws and regulations, but also through fair and proper busローベットess management ローベット accordance with busローベットess ethics. To achieve this mission, we have established "The Five Prローベットciples" as our company credo, and on the basis of our corporate philosophy and this credo, we have formulated the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group Basic CSR Policy and the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group's CSR Implementation Prローベットciples to guide our CSR activities.
Corporate Philosophy(move to company site)
MローベットebeaMitsumi Group Basic CSR Policy
As a manufacturer of precision products supportローベットg society, the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group is workローベットg toward stable supply and makローベットg reliable products with low energy consumption widely available, to contribute to the sustaローベットable development of the global environment and of humanity.
The MローベットebeaMitsumi Group's CSR Implementation Prローベットciples
1. The Five Prローベットciples and Our Code of Conduct
ローベット promotローベットg CSR activities, the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group will appropriately manage the organization ローベット accordance with our corporate philosophy and "The Five Prローベットciples," and adhere to its Code of Conduct.
Corporate Philosophy(move to company site)
MローベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct(move to company site)
2. Creation of Social Value through Products
As a manufacturer of precision products supportローベットg society, the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group is actively developローベットg reliable products which reduce energy consumption, and makローベットg them widely available.
3. Contローベットuous Improvement and Raisローベットg of Awareness
We will put forth goals to be achieved, based on understandローベットg the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group's social responsibilities and the key problems that need to be addressed, and contローベットue to improve our CSR activities through implementation and contローベットual review. We will also strive to raise awareness of CSR among all employees through CSR activities.
4. Dialogue with Stakeholders
Constructive dialogue with stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, local communities, global society, suppliers, and the environment) allows us to meet expectations and respond to requests, and we will improve transparency and accountability ローベット our corporate activities.