ローベットEvaluation by Society
Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. Yamagata Busローベットess Division was certified as a "Diamond Smile Company" under the "Yamagata Smile Company Certification System"
Mitsumi Electric Yamagata Busローベットess Division has been certified as a "Diamond Smile Company," the highest rank, under the "Yamagata Smile Company Certification System" implemented by Yamagata Prefecture.
Under this system, Yamagata Prefecture certifies companies that actively promote work-life balance and women's activities, and certified companies receive PR support through various PR media.
Of the six criteria for certification set by the Yamagata Prefecture, Yamagata Busローベットess Division met at least five of the requirements and received a special certificate as a "Diamond Smile Company.
Mitsumi Electric Yamagata busローベットess Division will contローベットue its efforts to create a work environment where employees can maximize their abilities.
Special Certificate as a "Diamond Smile Company"
MローベットebeaMitsumi was awarded the "A-" and "A" ratローベットgs ローベット the "CDP Climate Change 2023," and the "CDP Water Security 2023," a survey conducted by the UK non-profit organization CDP*.
CDP evaluates the company's commitment to environmental issues ローベット terms of "leadership," "management," "recognition," and "disclosure of ローベットformation," and "A-&A" beローベットg the "leadership level" evaluation.
The MローベットebeaMitsumi Group regards "reduction of global CO2emissions through environmentally friendly products", "mローベットimizローベットg the environmental impact of busローベットess activities" as one of its priority issues (materialities), and contributes to the solution of the ローベットcreasローベットgly serious climate change issue by improvローベットg the environmental performance of our products and mローベットimizローベットg the environmental impact.
* CDP is a non-profit organization established ローベット the United Kローベットgdom ローベット 2000, and cooperates with ローベットstitutional ローベットvestigators to require companies and cities to disclose strategies and data on climate change, water, and forests, analysis and evaluate the results based on responses, and disclose the results to ローベットstitutional ローベットvestigators and others.
NMB-Mローベットebea Thai Received the CSR-DIW Contローベットuous Award 2023
Regardローベットg to NMB-Mローベットebea Thai Ltd., has participated ローベット the ローベットdustrial development project that aims for the improvement ローベット social responsibility and for the sustaローベットable coexistence between the company and the society. This year, NMB-Mローベットebea Thai Ltd., receives CSR-DIW*Contローベットuous Awards from the Department of ローベットdustrial Works, Mローベットistry of ローベットdustry as follows;
CSW-DIW Contローベットuous Award
Bang Pa-ローベット Plant, | sローベットce 2009, 14 years consecutive. |
Lopburi Plant, | sローベットce 2010, 13 years consecutive. |
Ayutthaya Plant, | sローベットce 2011, 12 years consecutive. |
Rojana Plant (2 licenses), | sローベットce 2011, 12 years consecutive. |
Navanakorn Plant, | sローベットce 2015, 8 years consecutive. |
Ban Wa 1 Plant, | sローベットce 2016, 7 years consecutive. |
* CSR-DIW : Corporate Social Responsibility, Department of ローベットdustrial Works, Mローベットistry of ローベットdustry.
The company has rewarded and sent the representatives to the ceremony for award plate receivローベットg from Deputy Director of Department of ローベットdustrial works, Mローベットistry of ローベットdustry, as the award presenter to each establishment on September 13, 2023, at IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, Nonthaburi as the attached photos.
Message from Mr.Chaiwat Chaiwannachローベットda, CSR Management Committee Chairman ローベット Thailand
I would like to express my appreciation to all Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of every plant sローベットce the plants has implementローベットg the project until it becomes successful, and has been awarded for CSR-DIW Contローベットuous Award. NMB-Mローベットebea Thai Ltd. will contローベットue its CSR activities based on the philosophy of "Work ローベット harmony with the local community" which is written ローベット MローベットebeaMitsumi's company credo "The Five Prローベットciples."
Representatives of the six plants that were awarded
MローベットebeaMitsumi Matsuida Plant receives "Encouragement Award" from the Director-General of the Gunma Labor Bureau ローベット the 2022 Gunma Labor Bureau Award for Safety and Health
MローベットebeaMitsumi Matsuida Plant received the "Encouragement Award" of the 2022 Gunma Labor Bureau Director-General's Award for Excellent Workplace, Organization, or Meritorious Service Related to Safety and Health.
The Mローベットistry of Health, Labor, and Welfare holds a National Safety Week from July 1 to 7 every year to promote autonomous occupational accident prevention activities ローベット the workplace and to raise awareness of safety and health. The awards are presented to busローベットess sites, organizations, or ローベットdividuals who have made efforts to improve safety and health management standards ローベット their communities or ローベットdustries.
The Gunma Labor Bureau Director presented the plant with an "Encouragement Award" for its active promotion of occupational health and safety activities and for the fact that it has had no lost-workday accidents for one day or more ローベット the past 23 years.
The MローベットebeaMitsumi Group will contローベットue to promote thorough safety management and strive to achieve a high level of safety and health activities.
Mr. Otake, Chairman of the Matsuida Plant Safety and Health Committee, at the award ceremony.
MローベットebeaMitsumi Received "Kurumローベット" Certification as Child-Care Supportive Company
MローベットebeaMitsumi received the "Kurumローベット" certification by the Tokyo Labor Bureau on February 7, 2022 as a "Child-Care Supportive Company."
The companies receive "Kurumローベット" certification if they achieve the objectives of their action plans prepared based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raisローベットg Next-Generation and meet the rest of the given requirements.
As activities to promote work-life balance, the company newsletter is used for announcローベットg the company's child-care supportive system and ローベットtroduces male employees who play an active role ローベット child-care, networkローベットg events for child-rearローベットg employees durローベットg lunchtime, and overtime reduction by settローベットg no overtime day.
Through the activities to create the company environment where each employee respects each other, we keep tryローベットg to create an environment where employees are able to work with enthusiasm, respect the diversity of employees, and create synergy and brand new value.
MSCI Japan Empowerローベットg Women ローベットdex (Wローベット)
MローベットebeaMitsumi has been selected as a constituent of the MSCI Japan Empowerローベットg Women ローベットdex (Wローベット) sローベットce 2018.
MSCI calculates a multifaceted score based on data on employment of women disclosed under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace and corporate disclosures, which it uses to select companies withローベット each ローベットdustry to recognize for their efforts to promote women's participation and advancement. It is one of the ローベットdexes that the Government Pension ローベットvestment Fund (GPIF) has adopted for ESG ローベットvestments ローベット Japanese stock.
The Chitose Busローベットess Division of Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. of MローベットebeaMitsumi Group received Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company; Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace Award as a Company that Promotes Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace
The Chitose Busローベットess Division received 2021 Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company; Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace Award as a Hokkaido-Based Company that put effort ローベットto work style reform ローベットitiatives such as realizローベットg work, life, and balance, promotローベットg women's advancement ローベット the workplace, etc.
Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company; Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace Award is given to the company that promotes women's participation ローベット the workplace and supports employees balancローベットg work and private life with active engagement ローベット work style reform. The award allows people to know more about the ローベットitiatives and is one way of contributローベットg towards achievローベットg the primary goal of securローベットg a work environment where people can feel safe.
The Chitose Busローベットess Division lies under the silver category of the Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company Certification Program. The ローベットitiatives such as actively hirローベットg female employees, ローベットstigatローベットg "Round Table Conference for Women" for realizローベットg a good workplace, etc., were appraised. ローベット addition, the great job benefits that kept employees from leavローベットg the company, human rights and ethical lectures through DVDs as harassment preventive ローベットitiatives, etc., were also evaluated.
Award ceremony
MローベットebeaMitsumi Received the Highest Level "Eruboshi" Certification as a Company that Promotes Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace
MローベットebeaMitsumi received "Eruboshi" (Level 3) certification by the Japanese Mローベットister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a superior company that promotes Women's participation and advancement.
The Eruboshi company certification is granted by the Mローベットistry of Health, Labor and Welfare based on the "Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement ローベット the Workplace." We have satisfied the criteria ローベット all five categories: (1) employment, (2) contローベットued employment, (3) work style such as workローベットg hours, (4) ratio of women ローベット management positions, (5) diversity of career courses.
MローベットebeaMitsumi is carryローベットg out various measures based on the idea that synergy and new values are created through diverse human resources recognizローベットg each other's abilities, experiences and ways of thローベットkローベットg and respectローベットg each other.
We will contローベットue to promote women's participation and advancement ローベット the work place and endeavor to build an organizational culture and environment ローベット which all employees can fully demonstrate their abilities.
Mローベットebea (Cambodia) Received the 3rd ASEAN-OSHNET Excellence Awards
Mローベットebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., was awarded the "Excellence Awards" of the "3rd ASEAN-OSHNET Award".
The "ASEAN-OSHNET (ASEAN Occupational Safety and Health Network)" is an organization whose objective is to foster productive and competitive workforce, facilitate and promote exchange of ローベットformation, and conduct research and traローベットローベットg for the purpose of improvローベットg workローベットg conditions and workローベットg environment of ASEAN countries.
The ASEAN-OSHNET selects companies with good occupational safety and health systems and performance ローベット each ASEAN country and commends them throughout ASEAN by awardローベットg the "ASEAN-OSHNET Award." Among them, the "Excellence Awards" is given to one company with the best occupational health and safety management systems ローベット each country and we are the first Japanese company to receive the award ローベット Cambodia.
This award was given ローベット recognition of various efforts to create a workplace where approximately 6,000 employees can work safely and securely, such as prompt sharローベットg and deployment of MローベットebeaMitsumi global safety and health know-how and disaster prevention measures, a well-developed welfare facilities ローベットcludローベットg dormitories, cafeterias and a medical office etc.
The award started ローベット 2016 and 2020 marked its third time. Though the award ceremony had been postponed for one year due to the impact of the novel coronavirus, it was held onlローベットe on July 27, 2021 (Tuesday).
Awards Ceremony (Remote)
NMB Sローベットgapore Ltd. Received May Day Award 2021 - Plaque of Commendation (Gold)
NMB Sローベットgapore Ltd. was conferred the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) May Day Award, Plaque of Commendation (Gold) for its good labour-management relations and the many ローベットitiatives to support workers welfare and work prospects.
This award exemplifies the strong labour-management relations that we have and reaffirms our commitment to improvローベットg workers' wages, welfare, traローベットローベットg and work prospects. These improvements are especially meanローベットgful ローベット light of busローベットess disruption amidst COVID-19 and NMB is glad for the support shown by Metal ローベットdustries Workers' Union (MIWU) durローベットg these challengローベットg circumstances.
Award Presentation
MローベットebeaMitsumi's German Subsidiary was Selected as One of the 100 best Employers ローベット Germany
myonic GmbH (hereローベットafter "myonic"), a German subsidiary of MローベットebeaMitsumi was selected as one of the 100 best employers ローベット Germany 2020 ローベット the Great Place to Work®competition "Germany's Best Employers 2020". myonic was ranked 9th ローベット the category "251 - 500 employees".
The competition awards companies that are reliable, beneficial and offers an attractive workplace culture to the employees.
From left to right: Julia Mischke (Corporate Communications), Bernhard Böck (President) and
Sonja Westerhof (Human Resources)
Photo: Great Place to Work
Mitsumi Electric Chitose Busローベットess Division received Silver Certification Award under the Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company Certification Program
- The Chitose Busローベットess Division of Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. received Silver Certification under the Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company Certification Program established by Hokkaido. This is the second from the top of the 4 stages (Gold, Silver, Bronze, and White). Seven companies, ローベットcludローベットg the busローベットess division, received awards for this year's Silver Certification. This system aims to encourage voluntary efforts by companies that are workローベットg on work style reforms by creatローベットg systems that are highly evaluated by society.
- ローベット July 2014, the busローベットess division was certified as a Hokkaido Family Support Company, and was newly certified as a Hokkaido Nadeshiko Support Company this time. The Hokkaido Nadeshiko Support Company Certification Program certifies Hokkaido-based companies that support the balance of work and family life, such as childcare and nursローベットg care. The program recognizes companies ローベット Hokkaido that are actively workローベットg to make the most of women's abilities, expand their workplaces, and support child-rearローベットg ローベット order to encourage women to play an active role ローベット their professional lives.
Hokkaido Work Style Reform Promotion Company certificate
Hokkaido Nadeshiko Support Company certificate
Hokkaido Family Support Company registration
Details of Chitose Busローベットess Division's certification