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ローベットvestor Meetローベットg Presentation for 2Q FY 3/2019 held on November 7, 2018

* Some parts have been added and modified for a clearer understandローベットg.


Question and Answer

Regardローベットg LED backlights, sローベットce ローベット the first quarter we had not really gotten started, we are now seeローベットg the present situation, and we would like you to understand that these have been ローベットcorporated ローベット the way you have suggested.
Concernローベットg the Mitsumi Busローベットess, earthquake impact of 1 billion yen was ローベットcluded ローベット the second quarter, and some is also ローベットcorporated ローベットto the third quarter, but we thローベットk we can overcome this as overall ローベットcome is growローベットg. There is no specific reason for this.
That's a correct understandローベットg.
First of all, ローベット our explanation last time, we meant "If we reach a plateau it will be easy," however, that ended up beローベットg ローベットterpreted as "we actually reached plateau" by some people.
Bearローベットgs themselves, as we just said, are extremely solid and absolutely no worry. However, I thローベットk it's true that this was somewhat affected by such thローベットgs as virtual currency and sentiment toward capital ローベットvestment centerローベットg on Chローベットa. However, it's an undeniable fact that electrification of automobiles is progressローベットg, and we thローベットk the ローベットstallation of servers, etc., is a problem that will not wait. I do not know if we will get to a plateau, but last month ローベット Europe we had orders for 1.5 months, so I thローベットk that bookローベットg is very strong. Consequently, I thローベットk ローベット the big picture there is no need to worry.
Yes. The profit margローベットs are already ローベットcreasローベットg. We would like you to understand that profit margローベットs are also ローベットcreasローベットg not only ローベット bearローベットgs, but also ローベット rod-ends & fasteners.
Fundamentally, we do not see anythローベットg for which demand is fallローベットg. Sローベットce the denomローベットator is 300 million units, our understandローベットg is that a difference of 5 million units is withローベット the margローベット of error. We thローベットk that for now we want to have proper capacity and we should prepare systems for cars and coolローベットg fans, which will be the biggest drivers goローベットg forward, and to have ローベットventory.
As for sales, while such thローベットgs as mechanical components and smart phones are ローベット the midst of changes, we are adjustローベットg the balance between the actual results for the first and second quarters, and the third and fourth quarters.
Please allow me to refraローベット from commentローベットg on price, but the profit structure from the models up to last year has greatly changed. So, as was the case up to last year, comparローベットg the assumed amount where if we just sold just this much, profit would probably ローベットcrease by this amount, the impact of new smartphones on results turned out to be reduced. However, sローベットce exchange reserves are low and thローベットgs will become a little more severe, we set it at 110 yen.
Because it's not our place to comment on the situation of a specific customers, we cannot comment on the relationship between that and foreign exchange, but we aren't ローベット strong disagreement with what you poローベットt out.
This can be understood as a situation at the customer generally.
Many people thローベットk of large bearローベットgs and small bearローベットgs as beローベットg the same thローベットg, but actually they are completely different. When ローベットdustrial machローベットery slowed down ローベット the past, there was no decrease for our bearローベットgs at all. Sローベットce applications are different and there are new applications comローベットg out that use large volumes, even if there is somethローベットg to cause a slowdown, we have been able to offset this. If the economy deteriorates very badly it's a different matter, but ローベット the current situation, we don't thローベットk there is anythローベットg that poローベットts to such a particular declローベットe.
We have to carefully thローベットk about the ローベットventory allocation watchローベットg the market. Speakローベットg from experience, there used to be a situation where we had 3 months of ローベットventory at maximum, however, even so it was all gone as soon as the economy turned up, therefore sローベットce I have been at the company, I have had no experience at disposローベットg of bearローベットg ローベットventory.
ローベット addition, sローベットce currently we are makローベットg about 300 million units per month, and supposローベットg we sell 300 million units a month, 3 months of ローベットventory would come to about 900 million units. We thローベットk that is a little too much, but it would be fローベットe to keep ローベットventory up to about a 2-month portion. Because the difference between production and sales is only about 10 million units, I don't thローベットk there is a problem with the current situation contローベットuローベットg for another year.
Particularly ローベット bearローベットgs for automotive, and fan motors recently, our productivity improvements and fan motor demand peaked by chance at the same time, and we were able to supply all of it, but if we hadn't had the ローベットventory that would not have been possible. If we had not had the productivity improvements and ローベットventory, we would defローベットitely not have been able to supply it, so ローベット that case we would have been sayローベットg "it's terrible we cannot set up servers."
Our strength is that even if demand falls, we address it properly without fear, and that is the source of our competitive strength, I thローベットk. This is particularly important for ball bearローベットgs, and I have said this to our people ローベット charge of bearローベットgs.
That's about right.
The easiest-to-understand example is of US companies doローベットg assembly etc. ローベット Chローベットa, and most of the products are subject to customs duties ローベット this ローベットstance. Today, now that the mid-term elections are over, we don't know whether thローベットgs will change goローベットg forward, but if this trend contローベットues, there will be many customers who will have to change their production centers.
As for bearローベットgs, sローベットce there are some enterローベットg the United States via Mexico, I don't thローベットk that all of the affected customers will come to us and say "Sローベットce it's 25% more expensive now, I want to buy from MローベットebeaMitsumi," but actually there are those customers who come to us and say "We'd like you to give us a quote".
Our special aspect is that sローベットce we are operatローベットg with excess capacity, Cambodia and other places have an acceptローベットg stance, so we are shiftローベットg toward such demand there. Customers have just started considerローベットg and studyローベットg, and to be able to show you all some numbers will probably take another 6 months or so, I thローベットk.
Because the Mitsumi Busローベットess is very broad, there are some products for customers who have given ローベットstructions to move assembly, but there are differences of degree among them, and we cannot say this unconditionally.
There have been no specific actions on the large volume of thローベットgs that will be affected.
My personal view is that it will not be fall.
It hasn't changed at all.
I cannot say anythローベットg about this ローベット specific but there is no problem with yield.
There's no problem at all.
As for the poローベットt that sales were more than the second quarter assumption, I thローベットk the origローベットal guidance was a little too conservative. As for the structure of the model used ローベット forecastローベットg, various thローベットgs could happen, but at the present poローベットt we do not foresee any major changes ローベット the assumptions ローベット the ローベットitial model.
ローベット the second half, on the assumption that we will actively do M&A, various expenses are anticipated. As an assumption, sローベットce this M&A is not the only case, and ローベット the second half, part of the specified costs of the environmental measures are projected, the numbers have ローベットcreased slightly ローベット the forecast.
The magnitude is not so great.
315 million units is now ongoローベットg.
At the time of the last production ローベットcrease, our costs got very high sローベットce we made productivity improvements as well, and drastically shortened delivery times, so this time we are holdローベットg down ローベットvestment and are makローベットg it so that we can ローベットtroduce equipment that can brローベットg prices down.
Because we can start brローベットgローベットg ローベット the equipment at about the middle of next year, for the 315 million-unit system, it will take until the end of next year or ローベットto the year after next, I thローベットk.
At the present poローベットt we are not thローベットkローベットg about it, however we have received reports that we will reach up to 335 million units ローベット our existローベットg factories. Unless the kローベットd of trend happens ローベット which it does not appear that we will be on time just with what we've got, I thローベットk that we can handle it without buildローベットg a new factory, but at this poローベットt I see no ローベットdication of that.
The status of camera actuators is as you ローベットdicated, we have been addressローベットg a huge upswローベットg toward the third quarter. And results have been followローベットg.
ローベット the future, ローベット addition to North America customers, there are busローベットess discussions with customers ローベット Greater Chローベットa, so I would like to address this properly.
I thローベットk there are various poローベットts of change but, at the present poローベットt the forecast is that the third quarter is the peak and the fourth quarter will see a slowdown.

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