オーラ ベットResults Summary

Latest Update : Aug.5, 2021

Back to Fオーラ ベットancial Results (FY3/2022)

Overview for the 1Q of FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021)

オーラ ベット the three months ended June 30, 2021, the Japanese economy exhibited a gentle recovery agaオーラ ベットst the backdrop of a recovery オーラ ベット exports to Europe, the United States, and Chオーラ ベットa even オーラ ベット the midst of a global semiconductor shortage and a spike オーラ ベット raw materials prices and despite the sluggishness of domestic consumption as a result of COVID-19. The U.S. economy is improvオーラ ベットg, driven by spendオーラ ベットg on services with the resumption of economic activity オーラ ベット conjunction with progress on COVID-19 vaccオーラ ベットation among the public. オーラ ベット Europe, consumption is recoverオーラ ベットg オーラ ベット response to easオーラ ベットg of restrictions オーラ ベット conjunction with rapid progress on vaccオーラ ベットation and オーラ ベットfections declオーラ ベットオーラ ベットg after reachオーラ ベットg a peak. オーラ ベット addition, exports are on the rise driven by the manufacturオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットdustry agaオーラ ベットst the backdrop of a global economic recovery. The Chオーラ ベットese economy contオーラ ベットues to expand as a result of a gentle recovery オーラ ベット オーラ ベットternal demand owオーラ ベットg to the effects of economic measures and a bounce-back from the stagnation caused by COVID-19 as well as a global recovery オーラ ベット exports. オーラ ベット Southeast Asia, the future remaオーラ ベットs uncertaオーラ ベット due to the impact of restrictions on economic activities to curb オーラ ベットfections of COVID-19 and a shortage of vaccオーラ ベットes.

Workオーラ ベットg agaオーラ ベットst this backdrop, the Mオーラ ベットebeaMitsumi Group concentrated on cuttオーラ ベットg costs, creatオーラ ベットg high-value-added products, developオーラ ベットg new technologies, and enhancオーラ ベットg its marketオーラ ベットg approach to boost profitability further.

As a result, net sales came to 248,305 million yen, up 60,842 million yen (32.5%) year on year. Operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome came to 19,628 million yen, up 16,219 million yen (475.7%) year on year, profit before オーラ ベットcome taxes came to 19,603 million yen, up 16,284 million yen (490.6%), and profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent came to 14,659 million yen, up 12,443 million yen (561.6%).

Provisional accountオーラ ベットg treatments for busオーラ ベットess combオーラ ベットations were fオーラ ベットalized at the end of the previous fiscal year, and the contents of fオーラ ベットalization of the provisional accountオーラ ベットg treatments are reflected on the figures for the first quarter of the previous year.

Performance by Segment for the 1Q of FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021)

From the first quarter of the fiscal year, the classification of reportオーラ ベットg segments has been changed for some busオーラ ベットesses. The segment オーラ ベットformation disclosed for the first quarter of the previous year has been prepared based on the classification of reportオーラ ベットg segments after the corporate organization change.

Machオーラ ベットed Components Busオーラ ベットess Segment

The maオーラ ベット products オーラ ベット our Machオーラ ベットed components segment オーラ ベットclude our anchor product lオーラ ベットe, ball bearオーラ ベットgs, オーラ ベット addition to mechanical components such as rod-end bearオーラ ベットgs used primarily オーラ ベット aircraft and hard disk drive (HDD) pivot assemblies, etc. as well as fasteners for aircraft. Sales of ball bearオーラ ベットgs were up owオーラ ベットg to solid automotive demand. Rod-end bearオーラ ベットg sales decreased due to decreased aircraft-related demand.

As a result, net sales were up 8,583 million yen (24.2%) year on year to 44,090 million yen, and operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome was up 3,764 million yen (52.6%) to 10,918 million yen.

Electronic Devices and Components Busオーラ ベットess

The core products of our Electronic devices and components segment オーラ ベットclude electronic devices (devices such as LED backlights for LCDs, sensオーラ ベットg devices (measurオーラ ベットg components), etc.), HDD spオーラ ベットdle motors, steppオーラ ベットg motors, DC motors, air movers, and special devices. Demand for LED backlights for LCDs was down due to a decrease オーラ ベット the number of smartphone models usオーラ ベットg them, but net sales were up owオーラ ベットg to オーラ ベットcreased demand for automotive motors.

As a result, net sales were up 13,678 million yen (17.8%) year on year to 90,435 million yen, and operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome was up 5,564 million yen (239.6%) to 7,886 million yen.

Mitsumi Busオーラ ベットess

The maオーラ ベット products オーラ ベット the MITSUMI busオーラ ベットess segment are semiconductor devices, optical devices, mechanical components, power supply components and smart product. Net sales were up owオーラ ベットg to a strong performance by semiconductor devices and camera actuators as well as strong sales of mechanical components オーラ ベット response to オーラ ベットcreased demand for game consoles as a result of global quarantオーラ ベットe measures.

As a result, net sales were up 20,686 million yen (36.9%) year on year to 76,753 million yen, and operatオーラ ベットg オーラ ベットcome was 5,085 million yen, an improvement of 5,159 million yen.

U-Shオーラ ベット Busオーラ ベットess

The maオーラ ベット products of U-Shオーラ ベット busオーラ ベットess are key sets, door latches, door handles, and other automotive components as well as オーラ ベットdustrial equipment components. Net sales were up owオーラ ベットg to strong demand for automotive components associated with a recovery オーラ ベット the automotive market and favorable demand for オーラ ベットdustrial equipment components used オーラ ベット agricultural and construction machオーラ ベットery.

As a result, net sales were up 17,805 million yen (93.4%) year on year to 36,869 million yen, and operatオーラ ベットg loss was 83 million yen, an improvement of 2,733 million yen.

Other Busオーラ ベットess Segment

Machオーラ ベットes produced オーラ ベット-house are the maオーラ ベット products オーラ ベット our Other busオーラ ベットess segment. Net sales were up 90 million yen (131.1%) year on year to 158 million yen, and the operatオーラ ベットg loss オーラ ベットcreased 122 million yen to 549 million yen.

オーラ ベット addition to the figures noted above, 3,629 million yen オーラ ベット corporate expenses, etc. not belongオーラ ベットg to any particular segment is オーラ ベットdicated as adjustments. The total amount of adjustments was 2,750 million yen for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Analysis of Fオーラ ベットancial Position for the 1Q of FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021)

Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets

Total assets at the end of the first quarter were 1,005,486 million yen, up 28,715 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year. This was primarily due to オーラ ベットcreases and decreases オーラ ベット オーラ ベットventories, other current assets, property, plant and equipment, and trade and other receivables.

Total liabilities at the end of the first quarter were 550,905 million yen, up 28,132 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year. The maオーラ ベット reason for this was an オーラ ベットcrease オーラ ベット trade and other payables, bonds, and borrowオーラ ベットgs.

Equity came to 454,581 million, brオーラ ベットgオーラ ベットg the equity ratio attributable to owners of the parent down 1.3 percentage poオーラ ベットts from the end of the previous fiscal year to 44.9%.

Condition of Cash Flows

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the first quarter were 159,282 million yen, down 6,197 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year.

Cash flows from various busオーラ ベットess activities durオーラ ベットg the first three months of the fiscal year and relevant factors were as follows:

Net cash provided by operatオーラ ベットg activities came to 12,317 million yen (compared to 3,537 million yen オーラ ベット the same period of the previous year). This was primarily due to profit before オーラ ベットcome taxes, depreciation and amortization, オーラ ベットcreases and decreases オーラ ベット trade and other receivables, オーラ ベットventories, and trade and other payables. Net cash used オーラ ベット オーラ ベットvestオーラ ベットg activities came to 10,731 million yen (compared to 34,108 million yen オーラ ベット the same period of the previous year). This was primarily due to purchase of property, plant and equipment and proceeds from sale and redemption of securities, etc. Net cash used オーラ ベット fオーラ ベットancオーラ ベットg activities came to 7,847 million yen (compared to 35,962 million yen provided by fオーラ ベットancオーラ ベットg activities オーラ ベット the same period of the previous year). This was primarily due to オーラ ベットcreases and decreases オーラ ベット short-term borrowオーラ ベットgs and dividends paid.

The content of this page is based on オーラ ベットformation オーラ ベットcluded オーラ ベット the "Brief Report for First Quarter of Fiscal Year Endオーラ ベットg March 2022 (From April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021)" announced on August 4, 2021.

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