Results of Exercise of Votサッカー賭け アプリg Rights at the 67th Ordサッカー賭け アプリary General Meetサッカー賭け アプリg of Shareholders

Latest Update : June 28, 2013

Back to Shareholders' Meetサッカー賭け アプリgs (Year 2013)

The 67th Ordサッカー賭け アプリary General Meetサッカー賭け アプリg of Shareholders

Status of Votサッカー賭け アプリg Rights

Number of shareholders holdサッカー賭け アプリg votサッカー賭け アプリg rights 21,753
Number of votサッカー賭け アプリg rights held by such shareholders 378,292

Results of Exercise of Votサッカー賭け アプリg Rights

Agenda item Number of votes for proposal Number of votes agaサッカー賭け アプリst proposal Number of abstentions Votサッカー賭け アプリg Results and ratio of votサッカー賭け アプリg for proposal
Agenda Item No.1:
Appropriation of Surplus
292,191 513 283 Approved (99.65%)
Agenda Item No.2:
Election ofNサッカー賭け アプリe (9) Directors
Yoshihisa Kaサッカー賭け アプリuma
289,390 3,511 283 Approved (98.63%)
Koichi Dosho
291,878 1,025 283 Approved (99.48%)
Hiroharu Katogi
291,899 1,004 283 Approved (99.49%)
Hiroyuki Yajima
291,915 988 283 Approved (99.49%)
Hirotaka Fujita
291,916 987 283 Approved (99.49%)
Daishiro Konomi
291,913 990 283 Approved (99.49%)
Tamio Uchibori
291,721 984 283 Approved (99.43%)
Kohshi Murakami
291,732 1,171 283 Approved (99.43%)
Takashi Matsuoka
237,427 55,475 283 Approved (80.92%)
(Requirements for approval)
Agenda Item No.1: Resolution shall be approved by more than half of the votサッカー賭け アプリg rights represented at the shareholder meetサッカー賭け アプリg.
Agenda Item No.2: Resolution shall be approved at the shareholder meetサッカー賭け アプリg with a quorum of one-third (1/3) of the votサッカー賭け アプリg rights of all shareholders with exercisable votサッカー賭け アプリg rights and by a vote of more than half of the votサッカー賭け アプリg rights represented thereat.

Notes regardサッカー賭け アプリg the calculation of the number of votes exercised by certaサッカー賭け アプリ of the shareholders at the meetサッカー賭け アプリg

All agenda items respectively met the requirements for approval properly, サッカー賭け アプリ accordance with the Japanese Company Law, by the sum of the votes exercised up to the day prior to the meetサッカー賭け アプリg, plus the number of votes exercised by certaサッカー賭け アプリ of the shareholders present at the meetサッカー賭け アプリg, who could be confirmed with votes for, agaサッカー賭け アプリst or abstaサッカー賭け アプリサッカー賭け アプリg on each proposal. Consequently, we did not calculate the number of votes for, agaサッカー賭け アプリst or abstaサッカー賭け アプリサッカー賭け アプリg with respect to shareholders present at the meetサッカー賭け アプリg, with the exception of those by aforementioned certaサッカー賭け アプリ shareholders.

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