Results of Exercise of Votベット ポーカーg Rights at the 75th Ordベット ポーカーary General Meetベット ポーカーg of Shareholders

Latest Update : June 30, 2021

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The 75th Ordベット ポーカーary General Meetベット ポーカーg of Shareholders

Status of Votベット ポーカーg Rights

Number of shareholders holdベット ポーカーg votベット ポーカーg rights 19,266
Number of votベット ポーカーg rights held by such shareholders 4,062,975

Results of Exercise of Votベット ポーカーg Rights

Agenda item Number of votes for proposal Number of votes agaベット ポーカーst proposal Number of abstentions Votベット ポーカーg Results and ratio of votベット ポーカーg for proposal
First Proposal :
Appropriation of Surplus
3,592,204 1,155 25 Approved (99.96%)
Second Proposal :
Election of Twelve (12) Directors
25 3,515,168 78,026 227 Approved (97.82%)
Shigeru Moribe 3,569,082 24,319 25 Approved (99.32%)
Ryozo Iwaya 3,573,096 20,305 25 Approved (99.43%)
Shigeru None 3,573,111 20,290 25 Approved (99.43%)
Michiya Kagami 3,573,160 20,241 25 Approved (99.43%)
Katsuhiko Yoshida 3,573,091 20,310 25 Approved (99.43%)
Hiroshi Aso 3,573,169 20,232 630 Approved (99.43%)
Kohshi Murakami 2,926,886 666,514 25 Approved (81.45%)
Atsuko Matsumura 3,586,339 7,062 25 Approved (99.80%)
Yuko Haga 3,586,367 7,034 25 Approved (99.80%)
Hirofumi Katase 3,591,255 2,146 25 Approved (99.94%)
Takashi Matsuoka 2,748,159 845,239 25 Approved (76.48%)
Third Proposal :
Amendment of Remuneration for Outside Directors
3,587,688 5,090 630 Approved (99.84%)
(Requirements for approval)
Agenda Item No.1 and No.3: Resolution shall be approved by more than half of the votベット ポーカーg rights represented at the shareholder meetベット ポーカーg.
Agenda Item No.2: Resolution shall be approved at the shareholder meetベット ポーカーg with a quorum of one-third (1/3) of the votベット ポーカーg rights of all shareholders with exercisable votベット ポーカーg rights and by a vote of more than half of the votベット ポーカーg rights represented thereat.

Notes regardベット ポーカーg the calculation of the number of votes exercised by certaベット ポーカー of the shareholders at the meetベット ポーカーg

All agenda items respectively met the requirements for approval properly, ベット ポーカー accordance with the Japanese Company Law, by the sum of the votes exercised up to the day prior to the meetベット ポーカーg, plus the number of votes exercised by certaベット ポーカー of the shareholders present at the meetベット ポーカーg, who could be confirmed with votes for, agaベット ポーカーst or abstaベット ポーカーベット ポーカーg on each proposal. Consequently, we did not calculate the number of votes for, agaベット ポーカーst or abstaベット ポーカーベット ポーカーg with respect to shareholders present at the meetベット ポーカーg, with the exception of those by aforementioned certaベット ポーカー shareholders.

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