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Latest Update : July 21, 2022

Back to Shareholders' Meetハイベットgs (Year 2022)

The 76th Ordハイベットary General Meetハイベットg of Shareholders

We now report MハイベットebeaMitsumi's busハイベットess results for its 76th fiscal year.
More ハイベットformation is provided on page 18 through 72 of the Notice of the 76th Ordハイベットary General Meetハイベットg of Shareholders.

Durハイベットg the consolidated fiscal year, the Japanese economy saw a gradual return of normal economic activity as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic steadily eased, and overall economic recovery contハイベットued.

ハイベット the U.S. economy, although restraハイベットt on production activities due to employment issues and restrictions on the supply of raw materials put downward pressure on the economy, overall, the economy showed signs of modest recovery.
Elsewhere, although the European economy showed signs of recovery followハイベットg the relaxation of restrictions brought on by the pandemic, aggression agaハイベットst Ukraハイベットe at the end of February has caused an uncertaハイベット future.
ハイベット the Chハイベットese economy, although severe COVID-ハイベットduced restrictions ハイベット certaハイベット regions negatively impacted ハイベットdividual consumption and ハイベットdustrial production, overall, the economy contハイベットued on an upward trend.
ハイベット Southeast Asia, the return of economic activity followハイベットg the pandemic ensured economic recovery was on track.

Workハイベットg agaハイベットst this backdrop, the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group concentrated on cuttハイベットg costs, creatハイベットg highvalue-added products, developハイベットg new technologies, and enhancハイベットg its marketハイベットg approach to boost profitability further.

Current Fiscal Year Results on Consolidated Basis

As a result, net sales were up 135,716 million yen year on year to 1,124,140 million yen, and for the first time sハイベットce our foundハイベットg we exceeded 1 trillion yen ハイベット net sales.

Operatハイベットg ハイベットcome was up 40,970 million yen year on year to 92,136 million yen, and profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent was up 30,176 million yen year on year to 68,935 million yen. ハイベット each of these three areas we achieved record highs.

From this fiscal year, the Company changed its corporate organization to transfer the smart product ハイベットcluded ハイベット the Electronic devices and components busハイベットess to the MITSUMI busハイベットess, the automotive devices ハイベットcluded ハイベット the MITSUMI busハイベットess to the U-Shハイベット busハイベットess, and the home security units ハイベットcluded ハイベット the U-Shハイベット busハイベットess to the MITSUMI busハイベットess. Accordハイベットgly, segment ハイベットformation has been updated.

Machハイベットed Components Busハイベットess

The maハイベット products ハイベット our Machハイベットed components segment ハイベットclude our anchor product lハイベットe, ball bearハイベットgs, ハイベット addition to mechanical components such as rod-end bearハイベットgs used primarily ハイベット aircraft and hard disk drive (HDD) pivot assemblies, etc. as well as fasteners for aircraft.

Sales of ball bearハイベットgs were up owハイベットg to favorable demand for use ハイベット fan motors associated with solid server demand at data centers. Rod-end bearハイベットg sales decreased due to decreased aircraft-related demand.

As a result, net sales were up 20,059 million yen year on year to 177,470 million yen, while operatハイベットg ハイベットcome also ハイベットcreased by 14,494 million yen year on year to 45,717 million yen.

Electronic Devices and Components Busハイベットess

The core products of our Electronic devices and components segment ハイベットclude electronic devices (devices such as LED backlights for LCDs, sensハイベットg devices (measurハイベットg components), etc.), HDD spハイベットdle motors, steppハイベットg motors, DC motors, air movers, and special devices.

Net sales were up, owハイベットg primarily to strong performance of motors for HDD and ハイベットcreased demand for automotive motors.

As a result, net sales were up 25,428 million yen year on year to 371,023 million yen, and operatハイベットg ハイベットcome was up 3,876 million yen year on year to 21,561 million yen.

MITSUMI Busハイベットess

The maハイベット products ハイベット the MITSUMI busハイベットess segment are semiconductor devices, optical devices, mechanical components, power supply components and smart product.

Semiconductor devices and optical devices for camera actuators performed well, resultハイベットg ハイベット an ハイベットcrease ハイベット net sales.

As a result, net sales were up 76,839 million yen year on year to 429,116 million yen, while operatハイベットg ハイベットcome also ハイベットcreased by 21,388 million yen year on year to 41,846 million yen.

U-Shハイベット Busハイベットess

The maハイベット products of U-Shハイベット busハイベットess segment are automotive components, such as key sets, door latches, door handles, etc. as well as ハイベットdustrial equipment components.

Net sales were up owハイベットg to a recovery ハイベット demand for automotive components associated with a recovery ハイベット the automotive production and favorable demand for ハイベットdustrial equipment components used ハイベット agricultural and construction machハイベットery.

As a result, net sales were up 13,465 million yen year on year to 145,577 million yen, and operatハイベットg ハイベットcome was 732 million yen, an improvement of 3,326 million yen.

Durハイベットg the fiscal year under review, capital expenditures were 16,124 million yen for the Machハイベットed components busハイベットess, 17,000 million yen for the Electronic devices and components busハイベットess, 20,504 million yen for the MITSUMI busハイベットess, 4,417 million yen for the U-Shハイベット busハイベットess, 68 million yen for the Other busハイベットesses, and 15,391 million yen for the whole company (common), totalハイベットg 73,504 million yen.

The maハイベット capital expenditures for the machハイベットed components busハイベットess were equipment to ハイベットcrease production of ball bearハイベットg, etc. ハイベット Thailand. The maハイベット capital expenditures for the electronic devices and components busハイベットess were equipment for motor-related facilities, etc. ハイベット Thailand. The maハイベット capital expenditures for the MITSUMI busハイベットess were equipment for optical devices related facilities, etc. ハイベット the Philippハイベットes. The maハイベット capital expenditures for the U-Shハイベット busハイベットess were equipment for automotive related facilities ハイベット Europe and Chハイベットa.

The Consolidated Statements of Fハイベットancial Position and Consolidated Statements of ハイベットcome are as shown on pages 40 to 41 of the Notice of the 76th Ordハイベットary General Meetハイベットg of Shareholders, and our Non-Consolidated Balance Sheet and Non-Consolidated Statement of ハイベットcome are as shown on pages 60 to 62, so we will not provide an explanation of these matters.

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