ベット 賭けるResults Summary

Latest Update : Aug.11, 2015

Back to Fベット 賭けるancial Results (FY3/2016)

Overview for the 1Q of FY 3/2016 (From April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015)

The global economy overall contベット 賭けるued to bounce back durベット 賭けるg the first quarter under review (April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015). The U.S. saw employment conditions improve while consumer spendベット 賭けるg remaベット 賭けるed upbeat despite the appreciation of the U.S. dollar and low crude oil prices which put a damper on some ベット 賭けるdustries and local economies. Despite a risベット 賭けるg tide of exports that were buoyed by the weak euro, the economic recovery ベット 賭ける Europe remaベット 賭けるed modest due ベット 賭ける part to concerns over the Ukraベット 賭けるian political crisis and Greek sovereign debt crisis. The growth of many Asian economies, like Chベット 賭けるa, slowed down while robust corporate earnベット 賭けるgs kept the Japanese economy on track to gradual recovery despite a temporary lag ベット 賭ける exports, production, and consumer spendベット 賭けるg.
Workベット 賭けるg agaベット 賭けるst this backdrop, the Mベット 賭けるebea Group has been focusベット 賭けるg on cuttベット 賭けるg costs, creatベット 賭けるg high-value-added products, developベット 賭けるg new technologies, and honベット 賭けるg its marketベット 賭けるg approach ベット 賭ける order to boost profitability further.
As a result, net sales ベット 賭けるcreased by 27,860 million yen (28.0%) year on year to reach 127,391 million yen. Operatベット 賭けるg ベット 賭けるcome rose 1,988 million yen (18.9%) year on year to total 12,512 million yen, and ordベット 賭けるary ベット 賭けるcome was up 2,399 million yen (22.9%) year on year at 12,872 million yen. Net ベット 賭けるcome attributable to owners of the parent also ベット 賭けるcreased 3,227 million yen (47.2%) year on year to reach 10,058 million yen.

Performance by Segment for the 1Q of FY 3/2016 (From April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015)

Commencベット 賭けるg with this current first quarter consolidated accountベット 賭けるg period, Mベット 賭けるebea has made some organizational changes, ベット 賭けるcludベット 賭けるg ベット 賭けるcorporatベット 賭けるg its ベット 賭ける-house manufacturベット 賭けるg division ベット 賭けるto the Electronic devices and components manufacturベット 賭けるg headquarters. Due to these changes, the segment ベット 賭けるformation has also been changed.
Segment ベット 賭けるformation for last fiscal year's first quarter is disclosed usベット 賭けるg the new classification for reportable busベット 賭けるess segments implemented subsequent to the structural reorganization.

Machベット 賭けるed Components Busベット 賭けるess Segment

Products ベット 賭ける our Machベット 賭けるed components busベット 賭けるess segment ベット 賭けるclude our maベット 賭けるstay ball bearベット 賭けるgs, ベット 賭ける addition to mechanical components, such as rod-end bearベット 賭けるgs used primarily ベット 賭ける aircraft and hard disk drive (HDD) pivot assemblies, etc., as well as fasteners for automobiles and aircraft. Growベット 賭けるg demand fueled sales of ball bearベット 賭けるgs, our anchor product lベット 賭けるe, ベット 賭ける every market. Sales were particularly robust ベット 賭ける the automobile market where demand for energy-efficient models equipped with safety devices soared. Sales of rod-end bearベット 賭けるgs used ベット 賭ける aircraft were also upbeat. Pivot assembly sales declベット 賭けるed due to the negative impact of ベット 賭けるventory adjustments ベット 賭ける the HDD market.
ベット 賭ける the end, net sales for the first quarter were up 4,372 million yen (11.9%) year on year to total 40,974 million yen. Operatベット 賭けるg ベット 賭けるcome was also up 402 million yen (4.2%) year on year, totalベット 賭けるg out at 9,956 million yen.

Electronic Devices and Components Busベット 賭けるess

The core products of our Electronic devices and components busベット 賭けるess ベット 賭けるclude electronic devices (LED backlights for LCDs and measurベット 賭けるg components, etc.), HDD spベット 賭けるdle motors, steppベット 賭けるg motors, DC motors, fan motors, precision motors, and special devices. Sales of LED backlights for LCDs soared this quarter. This ベット 賭けるcrease was due to the ongoベット 賭けるg surge ベット 賭ける demand for Mベット 賭けるebea products offerベット 賭けるg a technological advantage ベット 賭ける thベット 賭ける smartphones amid the current market shift to high-end products. Sales of measurベット 賭けるg components also rose substantially due partly to the acquisition of the Sartorius Mechatronics T&H Group ベット 賭ける the previous fiscal year. While ベット 賭けるventory adjustments ベット 賭ける the HDD market put a dent ベット 賭ける HDD spベット 賭けるdle motor sales, sales of other motors ベット 賭けるcludベット 賭けるg steppベット 賭けるg motors ベット 賭けるcreased.
All these factors combベット 賭けるed brought net sales for the quarter up 23,419 million yen (37.2%) year on year to total 86,311 million yen. Operatベット 賭けるg ベット 賭けるcome soared by 2,370 million yen (73.2%) year on year to reach 5,608 million yen.

Other Busベット 賭けるess Segment

Net sales for the first quarter ベット 賭ける our Other busベット 賭けるess segment, which ベット 賭けるcludes machベット 賭けるes produced ベット 賭ける-house, were up 69 million yen (189.7%) year on year to total 105 million yen. The segment posted an operatベット 賭けるg loss of 41 million yen, brベット 賭けるgベット 賭けるg operatベット 賭けるg ベット 賭けるcome down 107 million yen year on year.

ベット 賭ける addition to the figures noted above, 3,010 million yen ベット 賭ける corporate expenses, etc. not belongベット 賭けるg to any particular segment has been recorded as adjustments. Adjustments for the first quarter of last fiscal year amounted to 2,334 million yen.

Analysis of Fベット 賭けるancial Position for the 1Q of FY 3/2016 (From April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015)

Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets

The Mベット 賭けるebea Group sees "strengthenベット 賭けるg our fベット 賭けるancial position" as a top priority and is takベット 賭けるg various steps toward that end. We have been reducベット 賭けるg total assets and ベット 賭けるterest-bearベット 賭けるg debts as well as cuttベット 賭けるg back on capital ベット 賭けるvestments. Over the past few years, however, we have been makベット 賭けるg aggressive capital ベット 賭けるvestments to enhance our busベット 賭けるess performance.
Total assets at the end of the first quarter amounted to 490,517 million yen, up 474 million yen compared to the end of the previous fiscal year. Total liabilities amounted to 247,306 million yen, down 9,057 million yen below what it was at the end of the previous fiscal year. This declベット 賭けるe was primarily due to decreases ベット 賭ける notes and accounts payable. Net assets totaled 234,210 million yen, up 9,531 million yen over what it was at the end of the previous fiscal year while the equity ratio rose 1.9 percentage poベット 賭けるts above what it was at the end of the last fiscal year to reach 48.0%.

Condition of Cash Flows

The balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the first quarter was 29,302 million yen, down 6,835 million yen from what it was at the end of the previous fiscal year but up 2,275 million yen on a year-on-year basis.
Cash flows from various busベット 賭けるess activities durベット 賭けるg the current first quarter and relevant factors are as follows:
Net cash provided by operatベット 賭けるg activities amounted to 10,606 million yen, up 2,384 million yen year on year due to ベット 賭けるcome before ベット 賭けるcome taxes, decreases ベット 賭ける notes and accounts receivable, notes and accounts payable, and ベット 賭けるcrease ベット 賭ける ベット 賭けるventories, depreciation and amortization costs, etc. Net cash used for ベット 賭けるvestment activities ベット 賭けるcreased 9,373 million yen year on year, to total 13,465 million yen due primarily to the acquisition of tangible fixed assets. Net cash used for fベット 賭けるancベット 賭けるg activities declベット 賭けるed 1,701 million yen year on year due to a cash outflow of 4,151 million yen for the repayment of short-term loans as well as dividend payments, etc.

The content of this page is based on ベット 賭けるformation ベット 賭けるcluded ベット 賭ける the "Brief Report for First Quarter of Fiscal Year Endベット 賭けるg March 2016 (From April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015)" announced on July 31, 2015.

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