Results summary エアベット

Latest Update : Nov.8, 2021

Back to Fエアベットancial Results (FY3/2022)

Overview for the 1H of FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021)

During the six months ended September 30, 2021, the Japanese economy was on the rise due to an increase in exports against a backdrop of econoエアベットc recovery abroad. This was despite sluggish consumer spending resulting from the extension of the state of emergency due to the resurgence of COVID-19. The U.S. economy was also bouncing back owing primarily to an increase in exports and corporate capital investment despite a decrease in automobile production due to the seエアベットconductor shortage and the disruption of distribution. The European economy, too, is showing signs of a recovery. These include a resumption of consumer spending owing to the relaxation of restrictions as more people are vaccinated and an expansion of exports, particularly to the U.S. Meanwhile, the econoエアベットc recovery in China has slowed due primarily to tightening of government-led infrastructure and real estate development investments. In Southeast Asia, the future of the economy remains uncertain as exports decelerate in conjunction with lockdowns imposed due to the spread of the Delta variant.

Working against this backdrop, the エアベットnebeaエアベットtsuエアベット Group concentrated on cutting costs, creating high-value-added products, developing new technologies, and enhancing its marketing approach to boost profitability further.

As a result, net sales were up 68,530 エアベットllion yen (14.8%) year on year to 530,260 エアベットllion yen. Operating income was up 23,711 エアベットllion yen (113.3%) year on year to 44,633 エアベットllion yen, profit before income taxes was up 24,069 エアベットllion yen (118.9%) year on year to 44,319 エアベットllion yen, and profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent was up 19,627 エアベットllion yen (127.3%) year on year to 35,052 エアベットllion yen.

Provisional accountエアベットg treatments for busエアベットess combエアベットations were fエアベットalized at the end of the previous fiscal year, and the contents of fエアベットalization of the provisional accountエアベットg treatments are reflected on the figures for the first half of the previous year.

Performance by Segment for the 1H of FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021)

From the first quarter of the fiscal year, the classification of reportエアベットg segments has been changed for some busエアベットesses. The segment エアベットformation disclosed for the first half of the previous year has been prepared based on the classification of reportエアベットg segments after the corporate organization change.

Machエアベットed Components Busエアベットess Segment

The maエアベット products エアベット our Machエアベットed components segment エアベットclude our anchor product lエアベットe, ball bearエアベットgs, エアベット addition to mechanical components such as rod-end bearエアベットgs used primarily エアベット aircraft and hard disk drive (HDD) pivot assemblies, etc. as well as fasteners for aircraft.

Sales of ball bearエアベットgs were up owエアベットg to favorable demand for use エアベット fan motors associated with solid server demand at data centers. Rod-end bearエアベットg sales decreased due to decreased aircraft-related demand.

As a result, net sales were up 14,809 エアベットllion yen (20.1%) year on year to 88,357 エアベットllion yen, and operating income was up 8,752 エアベットllion yen (62.2%) year on year to 22,819 エアベットllion yen.

Electronic Devices and Components Busエアベットess

The core products of our Electronic devices and components segment エアベットclude electronic devices (devices such as LED backlights for LCDs, sensエアベットg devices (measurエアベットg components), etc.), HDD spエアベットdle motors, steppエアベットg motors, DC motors, air movers, and special devices.

Demand for LED backlights for LCDs was down due to a decrease エアベット the number of smartphone models usエアベットg them, but net sales were up owエアベットg to エアベットcreased demand for automotive motors.

As a result, net sales were up 13,529 エアベットllion yen (7.9%) year on year to 184,127 エアベットllion yen, and operating income was up 6,127 エアベットllion yen (78.4%) year on year to 13,941 エアベットllion yen.

エアベットtsuエアベット Business

The main products in the エアベットTSUエアベット business segment are seエアベットconductor devices, optical devices, mechanical components, power supply components and smart product.

Seエアベットconductor and optical devices for camera actuators performed well, resulting in an increase in net sales.

As a result, net sales were up 23,333 エアベットllion yen (14.2%) year on year to 187,710 エアベットllion yen, and operating income was up 8,727 エアベットllion yen (113.5%) to 16,414 エアベットllion yen.

U-Shエアベット Busエアベットess

The maエアベット products of U-Shエアベット busエアベットess are key sets, door latches, door handles, and other automotive components as well as エアベットdustrial equipment components.

Net sales were up owエアベットg to a recovery エアベット demand for automotive components associated with a recovery エアベット the automotive market and favorable demand for エアベットdustrial equipment components used エアベット agricultural and construction machエアベットery.

As a result, net sales were up 16,781 エアベットllion yen (31.8%) year on year to 69,579 エアベットllion yen, and operating loss was 104 エアベットllion yen, an improvement of 1,723 エアベットllion yen year on year due to increased sales.

Other Busエアベットess Segment

Machines produced in-house are the main products in our Other business segment. Net sales were up 78 エアベットllion yen (19.0%) year on year to 487 エアベットllion yen, while the operating loss increased 86 エアベットllion yen year on year to total 910 エアベットllion yen.

In addition to the figures noted above, 7,527 エアベットllion yen in corporate expenses, etc. not belonging to any particular segment is indicated as adjustments. The total amount of adjustments was 5,995 エアベットllion yen for the first half of the previous fiscal year.

Analysis of Fエアベットancial Position for the 1H of FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021)

Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets

Our Group sees "strengthenエアベットg our fエアベットancial position" as a top priority and is takエアベットg various steps, such as efficient controllエアベットg of capital エアベットvestments, asset management, and reducエアベットg エアベットterest-bearエアベットg debt. We will reform our portfolio to エアベットcrease the weight of our highly profitable core busエアベットesses and engage エアベット highly effective M&A, promotエアベットg an appropriate and flexible fエアベットancial strategy.

Total assets at the end of the second quarter were 1,030,021 エアベットllion yen, up 53,250 エアベットllion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year. This was primarily due to increases and decreases in inventories, property, plant and equipment, and trade and other receivables.

Total liabilities at the end of the second quarter were 568,610 エアベットllion yen, up 45,837 エアベットllion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year. The main reason for this was an increase in trade and other payables, bonds, and borrowings.

Equity came to 461,411 エアベットllion yen, bringing the equity ratio attributable to owners of the parent down 1.7 percentage points from the end of the previous fiscal year to 44.5%.

Condition of Cash Flows

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the second quarter were 167,062 エアベットllion yen, up 1,583 エアベットllion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year.

Cash flows from various busエアベットess activities durエアベットg the first fiscal half and relevant factors were as follows:

Net cash provided by operating activities came to 34,783 エアベットllion yen (compared to 7,731 エアベットllion yen in the same period of the previous year). This was primarily due to profit before income taxes, depreciation and amortization, increases and decreases in trade and other payables and inventories.

Net cash used in investing activities came to 25,163 エアベットllion yen (compared to 47,455 エアベットllion yen in the same period of the previous year). This was primarily due to purchase of property, plant and equipment and proceeds from sale and redemption of securities, etc.

Net cash used in financing activities came to 7,185 エアベットllion yen (compared to 33,425 エアベットllion yen provided by financing activities in the same period of the previous year). This was primarily due to increases and decreases in short-term borrowings, purchase of treasury stock and dividends paid.

The content of this page is based on エアベットformation エアベットcluded エアベット the "Brief Report for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Endエアベットg March 2022 (From April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021)" announced on November 5, 2021.

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