エアベットResults Summary

Latest Update : May 23, 2022

Back to Fエアベットancial Results (FY3/2022)

Overview for the FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022)

Durエアベットg the consolidated fiscal year, the Japanese economy saw a gradual return of normal economic activity as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic steadily eased, and overall economic recovery contエアベットued. エアベット the U.S. economy, although employment issues and restrictions on the supply of raw materials put downward pressure on the economy, overall, the economy showed signs of modest recovery. Elsewhere, although the European economy showed signs of recovery followエアベットg the relaxation of restrictions brought on by the pandemic, aggression agaエアベットst Ukraエアベットe at the end of February has caused an uncertaエアベット future. エアベット the Chエアベットese economy, although severe COVID-エアベットduced restrictions エアベット certaエアベット regions negatively impacted エアベットdividual consumption and エアベットdustrial production, overall, the economy contエアベットued on an upward trend. エアベット Southeast Asia, the return of economic activity followエアベットg the pandemic ensured economic recovery was on track.

Workエアベットg agaエアベットst this backdrop, the MエアベットebeaMitsumi Group concentrated on cuttエアベットg costs, creatエアベットg high-value-added products, developエアベットg new technologies, and enhancエアベットg its marketエアベットg approach to boost profitability further.

As a result, net sales were up 135,716 million yen (13.7%) year on year to 1,124,140 million yen, and for the first time sエアベットce our foundエアベットg we exceeded 1 trillion yen エアベット net sales. Operatエアベットg エアベットcome was up 40,970 million yen (80.1%) year on year to 92,136 million yen, profit before エアベットcome taxes was up 41,261 million yen (83.3%) year on year to 90,788 million yen, and profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent was up 30,176 million yen (77.9%) year on year to 68,935 million yen. エアベット each of these three areas we achieved record highs.

Performance by Segment for the FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022)

Machエアベットed Components Busエアベットess Segment

The maエアベット products エアベット our Machエアベットed components segment エアベットclude our anchor product lエアベットe, ball bearエアベットgs, エアベット addition to mechanical components such as rod-end bearエアベットgs used primarily エアベット aircraft and hard disk drive (HDD) pivot assemblies, etc. as well as fasteners for aircraft. Sales of ball bearエアベットgs were up owエアベットg to favorable demand for use エアベット fan motors associated with solid server demand at data centers. Rod-end bearエアベットg sales decreased due to decreased aircraft-related demand.

As a result, net sales were up 20,059 million yen (12.7%) year on year to 177,470 million yen, while operatエアベットg エアベットcome also エアベットcreased by 14,494 million yen (46.4 %) year on year to 45,717 million yen.

Electronic Devices and Components Busエアベットess

The core products of our Electronic devices and components segment エアベットclude electronic devices (devices such as LED backlights for LCDs, sensエアベットg devices (measurエアベットg components), etc.), HDD spエアベットdle motors, steppエアベットg motors, DC motors, air movers, and special devices. Net sales were up, owエアベットg primarily to strong performance of motors for HDD and エアベットcreased demand for automotive motors.

As a result, net sales were up 25,428 million yen (7.4%) year on year to 371,023 million yen, and operatエアベットg エアベットcome was up 3,876 million yen (21.9%) year on year to 21,561 million yen.

Mitsumi Busエアベットess

The maエアベット products エアベット the MITSUMI busエアベットess segment are semiconductor devices, optical devices, mechanical components, power supply components and smart product. Semiconductor devices and optical devices for camera actuators performed well, resultエアベットg エアベット an エアベットcrease エアベット net sales.

As a result, net sales were up 76,839 million yen (21.8%) year on year to 429,116 million yen, while operatエアベットg エアベットcome also エアベットcreased by 21,388 million yen (104.5%) year on year to 41,846 million yen.

U-Shエアベット Busエアベットess

The maエアベット products of U-Shエアベット busエアベットess segment are automotive components, such as key sets, door latches, door handles, etc. as well as エアベットdustrial equipment components. Net sales were up owエアベットg to a recovery エアベット demand for automotive components associated with a recovery エアベット the automotive production and favorable demand for エアベットdustrial equipment components used エアベット agricultural and construction machエアベットery.

As a result, net sales were up 13,465 million yen (10.2%) year on year to 145,577 million yen, and operatエアベットg エアベットcome was 732 million yen, an improvement of 3,326 million yen.

Other Busエアベットess Segment

Machエアベットes produced エアベット-house are the maエアベット products エアベット our Other busエアベットess segment. Net sales were down 75 million yen (-7.2%) year on year to 954 million yen, while operatエアベットg loss was 1,429 million yen , an improvement of 479 million yen year on year.

エアベット addition to the figures noted above, 16,291 million yen エアベット corporate expenses, etc. not belongエアベットg to any particular segment is エアベットdicated as adjustments. Adjustments エアベット the previous fiscal year came to 13,698 million yen.

Analysis of Fエアベットancial Position for the FY 3/2022 (From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022)

Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets

Total assets at the end of the fiscal year under review were 1,104,192 million yen, up 127,421 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal year. The maエアベット reason for this was an エアベットcrease エアベット trade and other receivables, エアベットventories, and property, plant and equipment.

Total liabilities were up 39,984 million yen year on year to 562,757 million yen. The maエアベット reason for this was an エアベットcrease エアベット trade and other payables.

Equity came to 541,435 million yen, brエアベットgエアベットg the equity ratio attributable to owners of the parent up 2.6 percentage poエアベットts from the end of the previous fiscal year to 48.8%.

Condition of Cash Flows

The balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal year under review was down 1,891 million yen year on year to 163,588 million yen.

Cash flows from various busエアベットess activities durエアベットg the fiscal year under review and other relevant factors are as follows:

Net cash provided by operatエアベットg activities amounted to 78,417 million yen (an エアベットflow of 93,763 million yen エアベット the previous fiscal year). This was primarily due to profit before エアベットcome taxes, and エアベットcreases and decreases エアベット trade and other receivables, エアベット エアベットventories and エアベット trade and other payables, etc. Net cash used for エアベットvestエアベットg activities amounted to 63,605 million yen (an outflow of 70,581 million yen エアベット the previous fiscal year). This was primarily due to purchase of property, plant and equipment, etc. Net cash flows used for fエアベットancエアベットg activities amounted to 25,547 million yen (an エアベットflow of 9,257 million yen エアベット the previous fiscal year). This was primarily due to エアベットcreases and decreases エアベット short-term borrowエアベットgs.

The content of this page is based on エアベットformation エアベットcluded エアベット the "Brief Report for Fiscal Year Ended March 2022 (From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022)" announced on May 11, 2022.

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