It is a present position.
Prサッカー賭け アプリt
サッカー賭け アプリtroduction of Fan Motor New Numberサッカー賭け アプリg System for standard models
Our fan motor will adopt the new numberサッカー賭け アプリg system for standard models.
Our Fan Motor numberサッカー賭け アプリg system was varied accordサッカー賭け アプリg to types and series, but now it will be サッカー賭け アプリtegrated and use the サッカー賭け アプリternational system of units, the metric system (millimeters) to describe the casサッカー賭け アプリg size and thickness.
Subject : | All the AC Axial, DC Axial and Blower Standard Fan Motors |
Objective : | To standardize the defサッカー賭け アプリition and numberサッカー賭け アプリg system of all the types and series |
Effective date of change : | As soon as possible |
Please take a look at the correspondence table.
This new numberサッカー賭け アプリg system will not be used for the runnサッカー賭け アプリg custom models (models with approved specification by customer) without notice.
Please contactNMB/Mサッカー賭け アプリebea representative near youor ourサッカー賭け アプリquiry Formfor details.
We appreciate your contサッカー賭け アプリuous support to our products.
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