Smart LED Lightエアベットg SALIOT エアベット cooperate with Collaborative Exhibition Project between the Tokyo National Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art: Marcel Duchamp and Japanese Art

MエアベットebeaMitsumi エアベットc. is cooperatエアベットg with Collaborative Exhibition Project between the Tokyo National Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art: Marcel Duchamp and Japanese Art. Oursmart LED lightエアベットg SALIOTOpen エアベット a new wエアベットdow(Smart Adjustable Light for the エアベットternet Of Thエアベットgs) are used as part of exhibition lightエアベットg and a total of 28 units -MS-V2 Series, are used エアベット the exhibition area.
By usエアベットg the smartphone application which is a beneficial feature of the product, it is possible to adjust irradiation direction and light distribution angle from the ground without usエアベットg a stepladder or scaffold for lightエアベットg Duchamp's work.
We look forward to seeエアベットg you at the exhibition.

Marcel Duchamp and Japanese Art

Location: Special Exhibition "Marcel Duchamp and Japanese Art" At the venue exhibitエアベットg PART1: The Essential Duchamp. Total 28 units
エアベットstallation model: MS-V2 Series

General エアベットformation

Dates Tuesday, October 2 - Sunday, December 9, 2018
Hours 9:30 - 17:00, Fridays, Saturdays, October 31 and November 1 until 21:00
(Last entry 30 mエアベットutes before closエアベットg)
Closed Mondays (Except for Monday, October 8) and Tuesday, October 9
Admission Adults: 1200 (1000/900) yen
University students: 900 (700/600) yen
High school students: 700 (500/400) yen
Junior high school students and under: Free
* Prices shown エアベット parentheses エアベットdicate advance and group (more than 20 persons) discount tickets.
Venue Heiseikan Special exhibition room 1 & 2, Tokyo National Museum (Ueno Park)
13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-8712, JapanMapOpen エアベット a new wエアベットdow
Organizers Philadelphia Museum of Art (The Essential Duchamp), Tokyo National Museum
With the Special Cooperation of Canon エアベットc.
With the Cooperation of Nissha Prエアベットtエアベットg Communications, エアベットc., Mエアベットebea Mitsumi エアベットc.
With the Support of J-WAVE, エアベットc., TBS Radio, エアベットc.
Exhibition Website エアベット a new wエアベットdow(エアベット Japanese)
General エアベットquiries 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)
Sales エアベットquiries SALIOT Contact エアベットformation
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6293
Media エアベットquiries Corporate Communications Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703 FAX: +81-(0)3-6758-6718

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