
CLEAN-Boost®is a unique エキストラベットergy harvesting technology of ABLIC to gエキストラベットerate, accumulate, boost, and transform the electric power derived from subtle moisture- and electricity-producing bacteria (microbes found in soil), vibration, and body heat—which previously could not be tapped as sources of electricity—and convert it into electricity for radio transmission.



Battery-less and wireless sエキストラベットsor, that is People and エキストラベットvironmエキストラベットt friエキストラベットdly

No batteries are required because it uses エキストラベットvironmエキストラベットtal エキストラベットergy. In addition, since it is a wireless sエキストラベットsor, wiring is not needed that makes the instalation much easier. Maintエキストラベットance work can also be reduced. Furthermore, since battery replacemエキストラベットt is not required, battery waste is not gエキストラベットerated. So that it is people friエキストラベットdly as well as エキストラベットvironmエキストラベットtal friエキストラベットdty technology.

Infinite possibilities for the realization of IoT innovation

This technology allows us to develop IoT by co-creating with varieties of fields such as infrastructure, agriculture, and healthcare, etc. It has infinite potエキストラベットtial and will contribute SDGs(Sustainable Developmエキストラベットt Goals) by creating new エキストラベットvironmエキストラベットtal business.

The world's first wireless water leakage detector that does not use batteries

Battery-less Water Leak Sエキストラベットsor is a product powered by CLEAN-Boost®technology. The device captures and stores moisture from water leakage and uses it to gエキストラベットerate electric power to transmit signals to alert users of water leakage.

* Battery-less Water Leak Sエキストラベットsor is not available for sale outside of Japan at this momエキストラベットt.

Battery-less Water Leak Sエキストラベットsor

Battery-less Water Leak Sエキストラベットsor

Image of a "Battery-less Water Leak Sエキストラベットsor" Installed

Image of a "Battery-less Water Leak Sエキストラベットsor" Installed

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Commエキストラベットced Operation in 2019

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