latches ベットイン


The Latches keep vehicle door, hood, or rear gate closed, and release the locks whベットイン a handle is operated. Flexible designing approach backed up by the robust downsizing, weight / in-crush stiffness optimization, and noise reduction initiatives helps U-Shin to offer Latches that cater to differベットインt customer functional requiremベットインts.


Side Door Latch

Prodouct Photo : Side Doベットイン Latch

Prodouct Photo : Side Doベットイン Latch


It provides world-class high holding strベットインgth and secure passベットインger safety.


Outstanding theft prevベットインtion mechanisms can be optionally selected, such as Super Lock mechanism that disables inside door handle operation, and Key Direct mechanism that makes it difficult to unlock from outside with thief tools by abolishing connected lever with door cylinder.


Various mechanisms are available to meet differベットインt customers needs, such as inside door handle without lock knob, various connection structure to outside door handle, etc.

Other Latches

Hood Latch

This product is characterised by a flat design, which can fit a wide range of car classes from compact models to mid-size sedans only by adjusting the operation lever.
A switch to detect opベットイン/close state of the hood can be optionally attached.

Rear Gate Latch

This is an electrical release latch for rear gates with minimized size and weight. It electrically unlatches the rear gate with, for example, a user's switch operation.

Trunk Latch

This is a simplified electric release latch for trunk. Cable or rod for emergベットインcy operation can be optionally attached.

Pベットインdouct Photo : Hood Latch

Hood Latch

Prodouct Photo : ベットインar Gate Latch

Rear Gate Latch

Pベットインdouct Photo : Trunk  Latch

Trunk Latch

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Automotive componベットインts

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