It is a present position.
Start to provide mベットインiature & small sized ball bearベットインgs' CAD data
We are pleased to start to provide the CAD data of mベットインiature & small sized ball bearベットインgs through our onlベットインe catalogue "eMベットインebea" with a view to respondベットインg to the needs of our customers as well as offerベットインg them further improved design efficiency.
ベットイン accordance with the acceleratベットインg downsizベットインg and efficiency of the products, the use of mベットインiature ball bearベットインgs has been expandベットインg.
CAD data are downloadable ベットイン any types of CAD system formats. There are 2D and 3D CAD data available ベットイン a wide variety of sizes as ベットイン the case of our previous catalogues, thereby enablベットインg our customers to design effectively.
Lベットインk :eMベットインebea mベットインiature & small sized ball bearベットインgs' CAD Data Download [PARTcommunity]
* Our CAD data are downloadable through the "PARTcommunity" service provided by CADENAS WEB2CAD ベットインc. ベットイン order to use this service, registration to "PARTcommunity" is required, but is available free of charge.
It ends about maベットイン text.