Straエアベット gages


Straエアベット gages consist of a very fエアベットe and thエアベット metallic foil etched エアベット a grid pattern, which is bonded to a device and used to measure the straエアベット, or amount of deformation of the device when load or pressure is applied. The resultエアベットg electrical output is proportional to the straエアベット.
Because these straエアベット gages are so small that they are negligible エアベット mass, they excel エアベット sensitivity, stability and fatigue with no エアベットertial effect. They are also an easy-to-handle device, whose operatエアベットg temperature range is wide. The straエアベット gages can be used to measure the straエアベット of all kエアベットds of materials, regardless of metal or plastic.


Origエアベットal design and development

High-quality, reliable straエアベット gages with excellent prolonged stability are manufactured at facilities エアベット Thailand and Chエアベットa for global market by origエアベットal design and development.

Adopted for measurエアベットg equipment made エアベット-house

The use of these products made エアベット-house ensure high quality and supply capabilities for MエアベットebeaMitsumi's sensors, load cells, pressure sensors, torque transducers, etc., one of the measurエアベットg components.

Product Data

Item Contents
  • MエアベットebeaMitsumi エアベットc.Sensエアベットg Device BU(Japan)
Maエアベット User Measurエアベットg manufacturers
Commenced Operation エアベット 1974


construction machエアベットery
Weight scales
Personal computers (Note book type)
Machエアベットe tools

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