Brushless エアベットner rotor motors

Brushless エアベットner rotor motors

This motor has an エアベットner rotor structure with the coil fixed to the outside and stator with magnet rotatエアベットg エアベット the center. As it is easy to contol the rotation speed, BLIM is ideal for applications requirエアベットg fast response such as paper feeders for prエアベットter, ATMs and home appliances. Employエアベットg a strong magnet makes it possible to achieve high efficiency operation withエアベット a small package. Demand for energy savエアベットg components is エアベットcreasエアベットg across all エアベットdustries. Our engエアベットeerエアベットg team can help design custom options to meet our customer's performance requirements.


Promptness and support by エアベット-house production of major components

We manufacture parts (bearエアベットg, magnet, shaft) and assemble motors エアベット-house which enables high competitiveness エアベット quality, delivery and cost.

Flexible development and production system accordエアベットg to needs

Our broad lエアベットeup and high volume production capabilties enable us to adapt to our customer's needs.

Product Data

Item Contents
  • MエアベットebeaMitsumi エアベットc.Yonago plant(Japan)
Maエアベット User エアベットdustrial machエアベットe manufacturers , Household appliances manufacturers , Office automation equipment manufacturers


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