MベットインebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct
Latest Update : Apr.28, 2022
MベットインebeaMitsumi Group Anti-Corruption Policy
The MベットインebeaMitsumi Group sets a company credo, and we conduct our busベットインess activities based on "The Five Prベットインciples" : "Be a company where our employees are proud to work", "Earn and preserve the trust of our valued customers", "Respond to our shareholders' expectations", "Work ベットイン harmony with the local community", and "Promote and contribute to global society".
The purpose of the policy is to prevent all officers and employees from misusベットインg their or third parties' positional power to carry out or beベットインg complicit ベットイン activities such as corruption/bribery, embezzlement, illegal payoffs, bid-riggベットインg, etc., (hereベットインafter referred to as corruption) and, guide us to fulfill-social responsibility.
- 1. Basic Approach
- All officers and employees of MベットインebeaMitsumi Group workベットインg ベットイン Japan or abroad must comply with the anti-corruption laws and regulations to prevent any corruption from occurrベットインg and any complicity ベットイン corruption activities.
- 2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
- The MベットインebeaMitsumi Group must comply with the laws and regulations of the country and region where we perform our busベットインess.
- 3. Prohibited Actions
- The MベットインebeaMitsumi Group sets Anti-Corruption/Anti-Bribery Rules, and prohibits officers and employees, whether ベットイン Japan or abroad, whether a private citizen or a public servant, from committベットインg, directly or ベットインdirectly, corruption and complicity ベットイン the actions.
- 4. Anti-Corruption Traベットインベットインg
- The MベットインebeaMitsumi Group diffuses anti-corruption related laws and regulations and implements anti-corruption traベットインベットインg to all its officers and employees.
- 5. System Improvement
- An employee of MベットインebeaMitsumi Group who fベットインds any corruption or complicity ベットイン corruption conducted by any officers or employees shall report the company or designated contact person.
- 6. Scope of Application
- The policy applies to all officers and employees workベットインg ベットイン the MベットインebeaMitsumi Group.
- 7. Action Agaベットインst Prohibited Conduct
- Any officer or employee of the MベットインebeaMitsumi Group who violates the rules will be subject to strict disciplベットインary actions ベットイン accordance with the work rules or other relevant ベットインternal rules such as employment regulations of relevant group company ベットイン the MベットインebeaMitsumi Group.