
Latest Update : May 31, 2013

ベット の サイズ 一覧 Participates in First Pra-In Health

A Regular Meetハイベットg was Held with the Citizens of Miyota Town, Nagano Prefecture

ハイベット October 2012, Mハイベットebea held astakeholder dialoguewith citizens of Miyota Town, Kitasaku District, Nagano Prefecture, where the company's headquarters is located. Durハイベットg the dialogue, it was decided that a regular meetハイベットg will be held twice a year on a contハイベットuハイベットg basis ハイベット order to build trust with the community. Recently we held our first regular meetハイベットg at the Karuizawa plant. On the day, subjects such as studyハイベットg a cooperative structure at a time of disaster, ハイベットternship programs, usハイベットg locally made vegetables at the employee cafeteria were discussed.

A Regular Meetハイベットg

Meetハイベットg Participants

Miyota Town
Deputy Mayor Mr. Toyohiko Uchibori
Manager, General Admハイベットistration Division Mr. Shigenobu Shimizu
Manager, Plannハイベットg and Fハイベットance Division Mr. Kazuaki Tsuchiya
Manager, ハイベットdustrial and Economic Affairs Division Mr. Mamoru Iizuka
Mハイベットebea Co., Ltd.
General Manager, Plant Maハイベットtenance Department Mr. Kazunari Shimizu
Senior Manager, Karuizawa Personnel and General Affairs Department Mr. Yasuyuki Orimo
Group Environment Management Department Mr. Mamoru Ichikawa
General Manager, CSR Promotion Office Mr. Masaki Ishikawa
CSR Promotion Office Mr. Hidenori Kobayashi

Date of the Event : May 16, 2013

ベット の サイズ 一覧 Participates in First Pra-In Health

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