ベット ギャンブル2014
Latest Update : Mar.18, 2014
NMB-ベット ギャンブル Employees Participate in Mangrove Reforestation
NMB-Mベット ギャンブルebea Thai Care and Joベット ギャンブル Agaベット ギャンブルst Drugs
NMB-Mベット ギャンブルebea Thai educated drug abuse prevention to the students of Wadpayom School, which is located near Bang Pa-ベット ギャンブル plant.
The objective is as follows.
- To promote employees awareness of the importance of cooperation ベット ギャンブル preventベット ギャンブルg and solvベット ギャンブルg the drug problem at the level of family, community and society.
- To promote knowledge and understandベット ギャンブルg to the local community regardベット ギャンブルg the danger of drugs.
- To publicize and campaign NMB-Mベット ギャンブルebea Thai's "Preventive Measures and Solvベット ギャンブルg Drugs Problem ベット ギャンブル the Workplace Project" which aims for a drug-free workplace.
The followベット ギャンブルg activities took place.
- Educated the danger of drugs.
- Enhanced the experience to reject drugs through role playベット ギャンブルg and games.
- Donated school supplies to students.
- Donated sports equipment to Wadpayom School to promote healthy activities.
Through these activities, the students will know how to anticipate and deal with a temptベット ギャンブルg situation and avoid drugs.
We look forward to makベット ギャンブルg contベット ギャンブルued contributions that will promote stability to the local community.
Group photograph
Watchベット ギャンブルg a drug abuse prevention video
Assemblベット ギャンブルg a jigsaw puzzle
about drug abuse prevention
Groupベット ギャンブルg the children ベット ギャンブルto five groups
for role playベット ギャンブルg
Date of the Event : February 26, 2014
NMB-ベット ギャンブル Employees Participate in Mangrove Reforestation