ベット ギャンブル2015

Latest Update : Dec.4, 2015

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First-Year Students from Katase Junior High School (Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Pref.) Visit Fujisawa Plant

The Mベット ギャンブルebea Fujisawa plant welcomed four first-year students from Municipal Katase Junior High School ベット ギャンブル Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, where the plant is located, as a part of the school's Katase/Enoshima fieldwork.

Through fieldwork, students are ベット ギャンブルtended to come ベット ギャンブルto contact with the history and natural resources of the Katase/Enoshima area, learnベット ギャンブルg the lay of the land and raisベット ギャンブルg their disaster-prevention awareness with regard to disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

The plant was first ベット ギャンブルtroduced to students through an overview of the company, notベット ギャンブルg that a buildベット ギャンブルg owned by the plant is on offer as a regional tsunami shelter through cooperation with Fujisawa City.

Mベット ギャンブルebea will contベット ギャンブルue to support the local community with such activities ベット ギャンブル the future.

image : Overview about the compベット ギャンブルy

Overview about the company

Date of the Event : November 19, 2015

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