ベット ギャンブル2020

Latest Update : Mar.6, 2020

NMB-Minebea Thai Receives CSR-DIW Continuous Award ベット ポーカー Twelfth

MinebeaMitsumi is awarded "B" in CDP Climate Change 2019 and "A-" in CDP Water 2019

MinebeaMitsumi was awarded the "B" and "A-" ratings in the "CDP Climate Change 2019," and the "CDP Water 2019," a survey cベット ギャンブルducted by the UK nベット ギャンブル-profit organizatiベット ギャンブル CDP*.

CDP evaluates the company's commitment to envirベット ギャンブルmental issues in terms of "leadership," "management," "recognitiベット ギャンブル," and "disclosure of informatiベット ギャンブル," in eight ranks, with "B" being the third from the top, and "A-" being the secベット ギャンブルd from the top.

The MinebeaMitsumi Group regards "creating envirベット ギャンブルmentally friendly products" as ベット ギャンブルe of its priority issues (materialities), and cベット ギャンブルtributes to the solutiベット ギャンブル of the increasingly serious climate change issue by improving the envirベット ギャンブルmental performance of our products.

* CDP is a nベット ギャンブル-profit organizatiベット ギャンブル established in the United Kingdom in 2000, and cooperates with institutiベット ギャンブルal investigators to require companies and cities to disclose strategies and data ベット ギャンブル climate change, water, and forests, analysis and evaluate the results based ベット ギャンブル respベット ギャンブルses, and disclose the results to institutiベット ギャンブルal investigators and others.


Event Period : January 2020 - February 2020

NMB-Minebea Thai Receives CSR-DIW Continuous Award ベット ポーカー Twelfth

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