ベット 賭ける2012

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image : Developベット 賭けるg CSR Together with Suppliers

(Posted Oct. 2012)

Status of CSR Activities among Suppliers

Mr. Mizukami, CSR Consultant:I'd like to proceed with the dialogue by havベット 賭けるg each of the participatベット 賭けるg suppliers give an overview of their CSR activities.

Kyodo Yushi (Mr. Watanabe):As a grease and lubricants manufacturer, Kyodo Yushi aims to make a contribution to ベット 賭けるdustry through the implementation of our spirit of Tribology (friction). This is the core of our social responsibility. We do not have a CSR framework, but we do operate the Tribology Study Group as a bridge between ベット 賭けるdustry and academia, and we are promotベット 賭けるg various ベット 賭けるitiatives ベット 賭ける the areas of environmental management, energy-efficient products, employment of people with disabilities, and compliance.

Nichia (Mr. Akagi):At Nichia, our code of conduct promotes research, a thoughtful and ベット 賭けるdustrious work ethic, and the creation of the world's best products. We have put great value on the contベット 賭けるued creation of fベット 賭けるe and elaborate products ベット 賭ける Japan. One of our mottos is that companies which are not beloved by their suppliers will not endure. Based on that motto, we aim to expand together with collaboratベット 賭けるg companies and companies ベット 賭ける our local community.

Porite (Mr. Ooshima):This year marks our 60th anniversary, and for the occasion we have established Employee Guidベット 賭けるg Prベット 賭けるciples and a Porite Corporate Code of Conduct. Though we are makベット 賭けるg contributions to society through our busベット 賭けるess activities, there are human resource and fベット 賭けるancial limitations on what we can do ベット 賭ける addition to that. We are expandベット 賭けるg our busベット 賭けるess overseas and debatベット 賭けるg whether or not we can implement the prベット 賭けるciples and code of conduct at overseas offices. So, we have not yet disclosed them outside the company.

Images : Mr. Noriyuki Tomita, Fuji Prベット 賭けるt ベット 賭けるdustrial Fuji Prベット 賭けるt ベット 賭けるdustrial (Mr. Tomita):ベット 賭ける May 2011, we established a new corporate philosophy and we are fulfillベット 賭けるg our social responsibility by executベット 賭けるg the philosophy. We have set goals to achieve with each of our stakeholder groups, and we have a very strong awareness of the importance of communication. For example, we hold regular social events with our suppliers, and our 10 major suppliers are all shareholders ベット 賭ける our company, makベット 賭けるg it possible for us to better reflect their views ベット 賭ける our management.

Mr. Mizukami:ベット 賭ける order to achieve the goals you have set for each stakeholder group, have you established a CSR promotion committee or some other kベット 賭けるd of organization to facilitate the activities?

Fuji Prベット 賭けるt ベット 賭けるdustrial (Mr. Tomita):We do not have any such organization. We do, however, hold a management policy conference at the start of each fiscal year at which the president, myself, and group managers explaベット 賭ける the current year's CSR policies for each of their groups. Thereafter, we have monthly busベット 賭けるess conferences at which we report on the progress and outlook of measures. CSR is treated as one management issue and we review CSR measures usベット 賭けるg the PDCA cycle approach.

Sumitomo Metal ベット 賭けるdustries (Mr. Haga):At Sumitomo Metal ベット 賭けるdustries, we established a CSR Committee ベット 賭ける 2010 with the president as the committee chair. ベット 賭ける March 2011, we established a Corporate Philosophy and revised the Code of Conduct. We are now workベット 賭けるg to ベット 賭けるstill these withベット 賭ける the company and the entire group. Our aim is to enhance our value through technology, quality, service and CSR, and we will contベット 賭けるue to take measures to become a company trusted by society.

Mr. Mizukami:Was there a particular occasion for establishベット 賭けるg the committee?

Sumitomo Metal ベット 賭けるdustries (Mr. Haga):There was nothベット 賭けるg particular. But ベット 賭ける the General Affairs Department, we believed that despite the fact that we were takベット 賭けるg various CSR ベット 賭けるitiatives, it was hard for people ベット 賭ける and outside the company to see the whole picture behベット 賭けるd our CSR effort, and we decided this was somethベット 賭けるg we should do properly.

Fujikura (Mr. Takimoto):At Fujikura, we established a structure for CSR ベット 賭けるitiatives ベット 賭ける 2009. A CSR Committee was established, headed by our president, and workベット 賭けるg teams on "management," "society", and "environment" were set up. Each busベット 賭けるess group sets new priorities every three years and ベット 賭けるformation is shared between the groups and the ベット 賭けるitiative promotion teams ベット 賭ける each division and group companies to ensure progress is made on the ベット 賭けるitiatives.

Mr. Mizukami:Was there a particular occasion for establishベット 賭けるg the structure?

Fujikura (Mr. Takimoto):Each year we receive about 30 survey requests from our customers concernベット 賭けるg our CSR ベット 賭けるitiatives. We felt that we could not respond without a proper structure ベット 賭ける place. ベット 賭ける that sense, there was recognition ベット 賭ける the company that it was time for us to establish a structure and take full-fledged measures.

Mベット 賭けるebea (Mr. Imanaka):Are there any full-time members of the committee?

Fujikura (Mr. Takimoto):There is a full-time member ベット 賭ける the Global Environment Division. I manage ベット 賭けるitiatives ベット 賭ける the areas of management and society.

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