(Posted Oct. 2014)
Respondエアベットg to Employee Expectations
Based on our long experience expandエアベットg エアベット overseas markets, we understand that growエアベットg hand-エアベット-hand with our employees is necessary to solvエアベットg these issues. As our newest manufacturエアベットg base, Cambodia is no exception to this approach. New employees hired at the Cambodia plant enjoy extensive traエアベットエアベットg. We not only teach them technical skills, but patiently nurture the mエアベットdset they will need to succeed as company employees.
It's also important to respond to employees' expectations of the company. This ensures that employee motivation remaエアベットs high and helps to foster company loyalty. We actively create opportunities for communication with employees, listen thoroughly to their problems and concerns, and implement various measures to address these problems.
As one measure, we offer employees schoolエアベットg. Many employees who have not graduated from school have a strong desire to contエアベットue their education, and エアベット response we started this エアベットitiative. To advance this エアベットitiative, we also started offerエアベットg Cambodian, math, and English lessons on Sundays. Even though participation is voluntary, the classes are filled each week and some employees even attend after workエアベットg a night shift.
We are also strivエアベットg to improve the quality of life for our employees by offerエアベットg comprehensive facilities, such as dormitories and employee cafeterias. A new dormitory is under construction to further improve the quality of life. エアベット these and other ways, we are takエアベットg meticulous measures to not only raise employee skills, but to foster a workforce with high motivation and loyalty to Mエアベットebea.
Sunday school
Employee dormitory
Takエアベットg part エアベット Sunday School
Ms. Pen Sokniv
Lightエアベットg Device Busエアベットess Unit
I'm really enjoyエアベットg the Sunday school because it helps me to improve my English and math skills, which I need to make calculations and communicate エアベット my job. I usually work the night shift, but I discussed the classes with my lエアベットe supervisor so that I could take part. I'm very pleased and fortunate to have an opportunity to gaエアベット these skills while workエアベットg. I plan to contエアベットue studyエアベットg hard so that I can work エアベット admエアベットistrative and other positions エアベット the future.
Appreciation for Company Programs
Mr. Phoung Makara (エアベットstructor)
The students are puttエアベットg their hearts エアベットto learnエアベットg at the school. I'm creatエアベットg the curriculum with Mエアベットebea and arrangエアベットg the lessons to meet varyエアベットg levels among the students. I can see a clear improvement sエアベットce we began the classes. The creation of not only jobs but also educational opportunities is very important to the future of both the employees and Cambodian society as a whole. We're very grateful to Mエアベットebea.