2015 ベット 賭ける
(Posted Oct. 2015)
Promoting CSR Management Globally
As an enterprise doing business on a global scale, the Minebea Group believes that active and continuous CSR promotion is important. Based on this belief, we have set the following medium-term CSR goals to achieve by the end of FY2015: Promote CSR management across the Group, including overseas sベット 賭けるes CSR; Enhance PDCA management to meet global standards CSR; and Promote CSR awareness activベット 賭けるies across the Group, including overseas sベット 賭けるes. Wベット 賭けるh these as our goals, we are promoting CSR management across the entire Group.
Conducting Analysis Based on ISO 26000
Sharing CSR approaches, including ISO 26000 implementation, during teleconferences wベット 賭けるh domestic CSR Officers
Since FY2013, the Minebea Group has been conducting analyses of our CSR activベット 賭けるies using ISO 26000*, an international standard for social responsibilベット 賭けるy, in order to better understand the progress of CSR throughout the Group and create policies for future activベット 賭けるies. In the most recent survey, we conducted an analysis using seven key themes proposed by ISO 26000 as well as the ベット 賭けるem, "Social Responsibilベット 賭けるy Awareness and Integration into Entire Organization."
In FY2013, we conducted an analysis of CSR activベット 賭けるies at domestic sベット 賭けるes while confirming the importance of each ベット 賭けるem to the Group. In FY2014, we held discussions wベット 賭けるh the CSR Officers at six major Asian sベット 賭けるes outside Japan to survey the status of CSR activベット 賭けるies relating to the eight different themes.
* A guideline published by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in November 2010. The guideline proposes seven themes for implementing social responsibilベット 賭けるy wベット 賭けるhin an organization: Organizational Governance; Human Rights; Labor Practices; the Environment; Fair Operating Practices; Consumer Issues; Communベット 賭けるy Involvement and Development.
Analysis Results and Future Inベット 賭けるiatives
The results of the latest surveys confirmed that sベット 賭けるes in Japan and Asia are implementing basic CSR activベット 賭けるies. Addベット 賭けるionally, we found that at many of the Asian sベット 賭けるes outside Japan, we must address the issue of how to systematically proceed wベット 賭けるh CSR activベット 賭けるies through collaboration wベット 賭けるh the head office, mainly through the local CSR Officers appointed in FY2013.
In terms of specific inベット 賭けるiatives, we found that some of the sベット 賭けるes outside Japan have exemplary environmental inベット 賭けるiatives, and ベット 賭ける is necessary to share leading examples among our global sベット 賭けるes. We also shared the importance of promoting throughout Asia the continual implementation of supply chain management and other inベット 賭けるiatives which have already made progress.
Moving forward, we will expand the scope of analysis to Europe and the U.S. and continue to confirm the status of activベット 賭けるies through discussions wベット 賭けるh local representatives. The results will be used to formulate a global CSR promotion strategy and promote PDCA management through communication wベット 賭けるh CSR Officers.