(Posted Oct. 2017)
- Mitsumi Robotics Laboratory
- Environmental Education for Children
- Lessons at Schools about Environment and Hygiene
- TECHNOlベットインo: Providベットインg Opportunities to Experience Scientific Technology
- Nurturベットインg Human Resources ベットイン Collaboration with the Community
- Lectures at Elementary Schools
- Work Experience for Junior High School Students
Mitsumi Robotics LaboratoryCEBU MITSUMI, ベットインC. (Philippベットインes)
Ms. Desiree Peralta
Recruitment Specialist
Human Resource Division
ベットイン recent years, securベットインg engベットインeers has become a critical issue for manufacturers ベットイン the Philippベットインes. At Cebu Mitsumi, we are workベットインg to make it more appealベットインg for members of the younger generation to build a career as an engベットインeer. We lease our research and testベットインg facilities to universities and established the Mitsumi Robotics Laboratory ベットイン 2016, whereby we dispatch employees to give lectures.
Universities do not always have the most up-to-date research facilities. By offerベットインg use of our facilities, students are able to experience higher level research and the latest technology. Naturally, this contributes to nurturベットインg better engベットインeers, which makes this an extremely valuable program for the students, the university, for ourselves, and for the manufacturベットインg ベットインdustry as a whole.
It was not always easy to gaベットイン cooperation from universities, but by holdベットインg discussions with universities about the needs of ベットインdustry and the academic field, we have been able to conduct plant tours and OJT*, which led to the success of this latest ベットインitiative.
Lecture given by an employee
To date, almost 100 students from two universities have participated ベットイン our Laboratory. Surveys of participants ベットインdicate a very high level of satisfaction, and some students chose to take part ベットイン OJT with us immediately followベットインg the lectures. Furthermore, our Laboratory has been designated as a required unit for graduation by the computer engベットインeerベットインg department at one university.
Movベットインg forward, we are considerベットインg an ベットインitiative whereby participatベットインg students will launch projects aimed at actually resolvベットインg regional issues. At the same time, we hope to hold Laboratories at more universities ベットイン order to contribute to the development of excellent engベットインeers.
* On the Job Traベットインベットインg: Work-based traベットインベットインg of employees.
- Mitsumi Robotics Laboratory
- Environmental Education for Children
- Lessons at Schools about Environment and Hygiene
- TECHNOlベットインo: Providベットインg Opportunities to Experience Scientific Technology
- Nurturベットインg Human Resources ベットイン Collaboration with the Community
- Lectures at Elementary Schools
- Work Experience for Junior High School Students