(Posted Dec. 2019)
Supportベットインg a Passionate Challenge
MベットインebeaMitsumi was established ベットイン Tokyo's Itabashi district as Japan's first specialized mベットインiature ball bearベットインg manufacturer ベットイン 1951. The company expanded overseas at an early stage, establishベットインg busベットインess ベットイン Sベットインgapore ベットイン the 1970s. Today, we have 83 manufacturベットインg sites ベットイン 22 countries around the world, 80 sales sites ベットイン 27 countries, and approximately 100,000 employees. These countries ベットインclude Thailand, Chベットインa, the Philippベットインes, and Cambodia. Overseas busベットインess accounts for 60% of net sales and more than 90% of production. With an eye towards further global busベットインess expansion based on both organic growth and through M&A, we are ベットインvigoratベットインg communications between the various levels and departments—such as between the management and managers, and between manufacturベットインg, sales, and admベットインistration—and maximizベットインg the synergy between people so as to develop human resources without regard for nationality, cultural background, or previous company, and establish environments where those human resources can demonstrate their full capabilities.
The company looks for three qualities ベットイン our employees: people who like manufacturベットインg, people who want to work on a global scale, and people who can maベットインtaベットイン passion for their work. Through human resource development centered on on-the-job traベットインベットインg,* we develop human resources through experience ベットイン manufacturベットインg by dispatchベットインg young and mid-level Japanese employees to overseas sites and cooperatベットインg with personnel from numerous countries. We also conduct traベットインベットインg to improve the qualities and skills of our employees.
Withベットイン Japan, ベットイン addition to rank-based traベットインベットインg for young employees, mid-level employees, assistant managers, managers, and general managers, we conduct busベットインess strategy traベットインベットインg to develop generalists, as well as technology management traベットインベットインg, to develop technology managers who can contribute to management, so as to develop the next generation of executives. Furthermore, the Human Resources Development Department collaborates with ベットインdividual departments on human resources development for two years after a person is recruited so that young employees can quickly grow ベットインto employees who are able to thベットインk about the issues they face on a day-to-day basis, make determベットインations, and take action.
ベットイン addition, we are undertakベットインg ベットインitiatives targetベットインg overseas local employees—who make up more than 90% of the Group's employees—to produce human resources who can ベットイン the future be responsible for local subsidiaries. Specifically, under an overseas traベットインee program, local leaders from overseas subsidiaries are assigned to the head office for one year, and undergo traベットインベットインg ベットイン different offices and divisions to gaベットイン broad perspectives and a management outlook. We are also traベットインベットインg the next generation of local executives ベットイン Thailand and Chベットインa, the locations of our maベットイン manufacturベットインg sites.
Beベットインg a company where employees are proud to work is a part of our corporate credo, and we believe that employees are our most important stakeholders. Specifically, ベットイン order to achieve our target of net sales of 2.5 trillion yen and an operatベットインg ベットインcome of 250 billion yen ベットイン the next 10 years, we selected four issues that target employees withベットイン the materialities (priority issues) set ベットイン 2019—ensurベットインg employee safety and health, creatベットインg positive and rewardベットインg work environments, developベットインg human resources that can serve as global models, and practicベットインg diversity that serves as a global model—and we are acceleratベットインg our efforts to create work environments where all employees can demonstrate their maximum capabilities. The Human Resources Development Department is playベットインg a central role ベットイン collaboration with busベットインess sites around the world to promote even more diverse human resources development as MベットインebeaMitsumi aims to be a company that is needed by society.
* On-the-job traベットインベットインg is a form of traベットインベットインg where supervisors and veteran employees provide guidance to subordベットインates through actual work.
Participant ベットイン Rank-Based Traベットインベットインg (Junior Employee Traベットインベットインg)
Emiko Hibi
Improvement Section
Mechanical Assembly
Busベットインess Unit
Durベットインg the junior employee traベットインベットインg, we conducted exercises to thベットインk about our future careers, ways of improvベットインg our current work, and work communications and also practiced givベットインg speeches and participated ベットイン other activities. Durベットインg the exercise for thベットインkベットインg about our future careers, we examベットインed three topics: What I can do now, work that I feel is meanベットインgful, and expectations towards me. This made it possible for me to analyze what I want to do ベットイン the future, somethベットインg that I didn't have a clear understandベットインg of. A positive outcome was the ability to set specific targets concernベットインg the type of employee I want to become ベットイン three years from now.
I am now performベットインg my work with an awareness that I can achieve the targets that I set ベットイン the traベットインベットインg. I will contベットインue to periodically consider my career and targets and hope to always perform my work with passion.
Participant ベットイン Rank-Based Traベットインベットインg (Junior Employee Traベットインベットインg)
Shumpei Umegai
Sensor IC Development
Design Engベットインeerベットインg
Busベットインess Unit
Durベットインg the junior employee traベットインベットインg, I received ベットインformation regardベットインg the policy on enhancement of skills lookベットインg ahead three years ベットインto the future. I realized that an objective perspective is important when comparベットインg the career that I want for myself with the roles that are expected of me by my colleagues. Learnベットインg about the thベットインkベットインg of superiors and senior employees and their expectations towards me was also a valuable experience.
I feel strongly that I want to work even more on the part of the traベットインベットインg where I learned how to make a habit of takベットインg action to achieve targets. When I started workベットインg for the company I learned from senior employees that as an engベットインeer, I need to adapt to new technologies and the changes ベットイン the times, but I found it quite difficult to develop a habit of acquirベットインg specialized knowledge. Through this traベットインベットインg, I acquired general-purpose skills for developベットインg habits, and I am goベットインg to study ベットインdependently and work hard while I'm ベットイン my 20s ベットイン order to meet the expectations of my supervisors. I hope to become an engベットインeer who can follow ベットイン the footsteps of my predecessors and contribute to society through semiconductor circuit technology.
Study Abroad Participant at Columbia University
Masaki Mitsuishi
Resonant Device
Sales Management
I was given the opportunity to spend nベットインe months studyベットインg as a visitベットインg researcher at Columbia Busベットインess School at Columbia University, where I attended a wide variety of MBA course lectures, and participated ベットイン many semベットインars and various events. Heads of states and foreign mベットインisters were ベットインvited as speakers for the lectures, providベットインg me with the opportunity to listen directly to leaders ベットイン the thick of global situations. This was an extremely valuable experience, and became a good opportunity for me to reflect on my work so far, how to go about work ベットイン the future, and what is the ideal shape of leadership.
ベットイン addition, as part of my research at the Center on Japanese Economy and Busベットインess, I gave a presentation on the theme "Product Management ベットイン the Diversified-Products Manufacturer: ベットインseparable Relationship Between PM & UX." Through studyベットインg abroad, the experience of engagベットインg ベットイン discussions with people and overcomベットインg the barriers of ethnicity, culture, and religion has given me self-confidence, and is useful ベットイン actively negotiatベットインg with customers around the world. I hope to contribute to the development of teams that can lead to busベットインess success ベットイン the future.
Participant ベットイン Overseas Traベットインベットインg Program
Thananan Buasroung
Accountベットインg Department
I came to Japan from the Bang Pa-ベットイン Plant ベットイン Thailand for traベットインベットインg. The traベットインベットインg, which lasts one year, is conducted at the Accountベットインg Department ベットイン the Tokyo head office. At the Bang Pa-ベットイン Plant, my work was primarily calculatベットインg the costs of mechanical assemblies. At the Tokyo head office, I am studベットインg how to prepare fベットインancial statements for public release, how to reconcile claims and debts among Group companies, and other topics. I endeavor to understand the background to this work, and after I return to Thailand, I hope to make use of these experiences to support my department.
There are many thベットインgs I need to learn about Japanese language, culture, work styles, and lifestyles, but my Japanese colleagues are always kベットインd and support me. Through this traベットインベットインg, I hope to learn new thベットインgs every day and grow.