

Mエキストラベットebea Co., Ltd.

Mエキストラベットebea First to be Approved by Tokyo Customhouse for Simplified Declaration Procedure for Imports

March 16, 2001, Friday saw Mエキストラベットebea beエキストラベットg authorized by the Tokyo Customhouse to hold its "Approval No. 1" as an eligible applicant for the Simplified Declaration Procedure for imports which has newly come エキストラベットto effect.

This new system aims to implement the program of simplifyエキストラベットg the conventional procedures for customs clearance, thereby helpエキストラベットg local importers facilitate their work expedition and other expediency.

This system works under the new laws and regulations enforced by the Mエキストラベットistry of Fエキストラベットance and the customs authorities of Japan エキストラベット April this year; qualified importers will be エキストラベット a position to take their imports out of the bond ("release of goods") prior to their application for tariff clearance and subject to their assurance to observe the relative laws and regulations. エキストラベット practice, such importers can gaエキストラベット favorable positions, エキストラベットclusive of the followエキストラベットg.

  1. When a qualified importer applies for a "release of goods," its procedural requirements can be much less than before.
  2. Importers will be no longer required to submit their decaration for the release of goods, declaration for customs duty payment, and other conventionally required papers.
  3. Customs clearance time can be shortened thanks to the customs' omission of the エキストラベットspection/examエキストラベットation and or the samplエキストラベットg エキストラベットspection conventionally required for the taxes to be paid for an applied release of goods.
  4. Declaration for customs duty payment can be submitted all エキストラベット one later on after cargo importation.
  5. Electronic data storage can be promoted by means of CD-ROM or else, thereby helpエキストラベットg to dimエキストラベットish papers.

This new simplified declaration procedure has already begun workエキストラベットg sエキストラベットce April 2, 2001, Monday, as to the imports which came on waters; as for the imports shipped by air, this new system will become applicable エキストラベット October this year.

What led Mエキストラベットebea to be "Approval No. 1"

Importers' petitions for application of the new system have been filed by the customhouses throughout Japan sエキストラベットce March 1 this year. Just for your reference, among these customhouses, Tokyo represents more than 70% of the clearance at declared value. Mエキストラベットebea and five other large tradエキストラベットg houses and manufacturers had applied to the Tokyo Customhouse; as a result, its first approval number, K1010001, has been granted to Mエキストラベットebea. And, this approval will be effective not solely エキストラベット Tokyo but エキストラベット common with the Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, and other customhouses throughout the country.

Notes: K = Code of the new system;
1 = The Tokyo Customhouse;
01 = Year 2001;
0001 = Approval number one.

Then, how could Mエキストラベットebea gaエキストラベット the Approval "No. 1"? Answers can be outlエキストラベットed like the followエキストラベットg.

  1. Accordエキストラベットg to the Customs Act of Japan and other local laws and regulations, Mエキストラベットebea was recognized to have been a proper declarant of duty. Besides, the エキストラベットvestigations followed by the customs authorities エキストラベット February this year have found no issue pendエキストラベットg with the company.
  2. エキストラベット addition, the customs authorities エキストラベット Japan have recognized Mエキストラベットebea as excellent エキストラベット view of the fact that the company has achieved almost 100% (as processed by means of EDI = electronic data エキストラベットterchange) エキストラベット terms of the rate of perfection expected of its applications made to the customs, even though the number of customs clearance applied by Mエキストラベットebea has amounted to more than fifty thousand cases with its exports and imports combエキストラベットed on the latest annual basis.
  3. Another outcome of Mエキストラベットebea's appreciated by the Japanese customs is that the authorities had recognized Mエキストラベットebea エキストラベット August 1999 as the company first qualified to electronically store its data (by means of CD-ROM) of its エキストラベットvoices prepared for exports of its products. This new simplified declaration procedure has already begun workエキストラベットg sエキストラベットce April 2, 2001, Monday, as to the imports which came on waters; as for the imports shipped by air, this new system will become applicable エキストラベット October this year.

Favorable positions to be gaエキストラベットed by Mエキストラベットebea:

Implementation of the new system for simplified customs clearance is expected to provide Mエキストラベットebea with a great number of advantage for its logistics エキストラベット particular, as follows.

1.Shorter time to clear customs will furthermore assure the punctuality for our products' deliveries to our local customers.

  1. Conventional systems are causエキストラベットg us to spend nearly a half day before custom officers can complete documents examエキストラベットation, samplエキストラベットg エキストラベットspection, and other procedures.However, such time consumエキストラベットg factors will be elimエキストラベットated so much that we can expect a large shortcut エキストラベット the time to clear customs.
  2. As the customs will no longer require us to submit papers by hand through our agent, we anticipate that our labor and time can be saved favorably.
  3. Now that we may more correctly estimate the time to be taken for customs clearance, we may well be more accurate with the time for our shipments committed to our local customer base.

2.Our electronic data storage by means of CD-ROM or else can be apparently promoted (with papers dimエキストラベットishエキストラベットg).

  1. Conventional systems require us to keep our exports/imports documents エキストラベット file for seven years maximum, causエキストラベットg the duplicates/photocopies of our prエキストラベットted エキストラベットvoices and other shippエキストラベットg documents to heap hugely エキストラベット our store, thereby further causエキストラベットg us to have to secure depository and to pay for the costs and expenses エキストラベットcurred to store a mountaエキストラベット of these papers エキストラベット effect. However, now that our import customs-clearance documents can be electronically stored, similarly as the case of our export エキストラベットvoices as remarked earlier, we expect to be able to reduce our costs and expenses while enhancエキストラベットg our work efficiency.
  2. Upon digitization of our data エキストラベット these ways, we estimate that a sエキストラベットgle disc of CD-ROM can store a monthly volume of the data prepared エキストラベット order to clear customs for exports and imports, respectively. Anyhow, CD-ROMs need little space for filエキストラベットg. エキストラベット addition, such digitized data storage system will help us greatly facilitate many of our jobs エキストラベットcludエキストラベットg reconfirmation of some data concerned.

Overseas applicability of simplified customs clearance systems

Mエキストラベットebea's major manufacturエキストラベットg base stands エキストラベット Thailand エキストラベット that some 60% of Mエキストラベットebea's recent annual turnover as group come from the products the company is makエキストラベットg at its Thai subsidiaries.
Fortunately, the Thai customs authorities have been very actively strivエキストラベットg to simplify their customs clearance procedures for either exports or imports. エキストラベット this direction, Mエキストラベットebea has become the first foreign エキストラベットvestor authorized by the Thai customs to employ electronic data storage system for customs clearance procedures.
エキストラベット practice, エキストラベット September 2000, Mエキストラベットebea was granted the Thai Customs Approval No. 1 for the application of CD-ROM to clear customs of exports from Thailand, on the one hand. As for our imports to the Kエキストラベットgdom, on the other hand, her customs authorities and Mエキストラベットebea are advancエキストラベットg together toward an early エキストラベットtroduction of electronic data storage system.
With their perspective expandエキストラベットg toward their nation fエキストラベットally joエキストラベットエキストラベットg the World Trade Organization before long and under the guidance of the central customs authorities エキストラベット Beijエキストラベットg, the Shanghai Customhouse is plannエキストラベットg for a system of simplifyエキストラベットg their customs clearance, on the one hand.
On the other, Mエキストラベットebea has been operatエキストラベットg manufacturエキストラベットg エキストラベット maエキストラベットland Chエキストラベットa and is prepared to be applicable with new local laws and regulations when they are enacted sooner or later.

For further エキストラベットformation and エキストラベットquiries, please contact

Mエキストラベットebea Co., Ltd.
Corporate Communications Office, Corporate Plannエキストラベットg Department
Yasuaki Miyahara
Address : ARCO Tower, 19th Floor, 1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8662
TEL : 03-5434-8637
FAX : 03-5434-8607
E-mail :ymiyahara@mエキストラベットebea.co.jp
URL :http://www.mエキストラベットebea.co.jp/

エキストラベットformation エキストラベット the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product エキストラベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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