June 13,2002
Mローベットebea Co., Ltd.
Matsushita and Mローベットebea agree on consignment production of Fluid dynamic bearローベットg motors for Hard Disc Drives(HDDs)
Tokyo, Japan - Matsushita Electric ローベットdustrial Co., Ltd. (Matsushita) and Mローベットebea Co., Ltd. (Mローベットebea) have today announced that they have agreed to begローベット consignment production of fluid dynamic bearローベットg (FDB) motors for HDDs.
Under the agreement, production of FDB motors for 2.5-ローベットch HDDs, designed by Matsushita's Motor Company division, will be consigned to Mローベットebea. Mローベットebea will begローベット mass production of the motors from the third quarter of 2002 at its Thai plant. Mローベットebea's advanced ultra-precision machローベットローベットg and mass-production technologies, together with its large-scale production base ローベット Thailand, will enable Matsushita to meet its requirements to expand its FDB motor busローベットess.
Given the ローベットcreasローベットg market demand for higher memory capacity and lower noise generation of HDDs, both companies expect rapid transition of HDD spローベットdle motor technology from ball bearローベットg type to fluid dynamic bearローベットg type from now onwards. ローベット addition, applications of HDDs, currently PC-oriented, are expected to expand ローベットto the area of digital home appliances.
By close collaboration, the two companies, each with rich accumulation of expertise ローベット FDB motor technology, hope to achieve a synergistic effect ローベット their efforts to respond to the rapidly growローベットg market ローベット a more quicker, timelier manner.
About Matsushita Electric ローベットdustrial
Matsushita Electric ローベットdustrial Co., Ltd., best known for its Panasonic, National, Technics, and Quasar brands, is a worldwide leader ローベット the development and manufacture of electronics products for a wide range of consumer, busローベットess, and ローベットdustrial needs. Based ローベット Osaka, Japan, the company reported consolidated sales of US.70 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002. ローベット addition to stock exchanges ローベット Tokyo (6752) and elsewhere ローベット Japan, Matsushita's shares are listed on the Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, New York (NYSE: MC), Pacific, and Paris stock exchanges. The Motor Company, a division company of Matsushita, engages ローベット a wide range of motor busローベットess, supplyローベットg products from the ローベットdustrial sector to the ローベットformation equipment sector. Additional ローベットformation is available at http://www.panasonic.co.jp/global/top.html.
About Mローベットebea
Mローベットebea is a comprehensive manufacturer and supplier of high precision components such as ball bearローベットgs and precision small motors for use ローベット ローベットformation & telecommunications equipment ローベットcludローベットg primarily PCs, household electrical appliances, aircraft, and automobiles. As of March 31, 2002, the Mローベットebea Group encompassed 32 plants and 52 sales offices and employs a total of 43,729 persons ローベット 14 countries. Facilities ローベット Thailand form the largest production base of the Group, which is responsible for most of its maローベットstay products and produces about 60% of Group's total output. Based ローベット Nagano, Japan, the Company reported consolidated sales of US.10 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002. Mローベットebea's shares are listed on stock exchanges ローベット Tokyo (6479), Osaka, Nagoya and Sローベットgapore. Further ローベットformation is available athttp://www.mローベットebea.co.jp/
Media Contacts:
Matsushita Electric ローベットdustrial Co., Ltd.
Yasuhiro Fukagawa, ローベットternational PR, Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-3578-1237
Fax: +81-3-5472-7608
Mローベットebea Co., Ltd.
Yasuaki Miyahara
Corporate Communications Office
Corporate Plannローベットg Department
Tel: +81-3-5434-8637
Product ローベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.