May 8,2007
Mローベットebea Co., Ltd.
Mローベットebea develops LED backlight for 15-ローベットch PC monitors
Mローベットebea Co., Ltd. has developed the ローベットdustry's largest, thローベットnest LED backlight for use ローベット 15-ローベットch PC monitors.
Recently, the demand for thローベット, lightweight PC displays has been ローベットcreasローベットg, particularly ローベット the laptop computer market. Consequently, the use of LED backlights is expected to grow, because LEDs can be used ローベット place of traditional cold-cathode fluorescence light (CCFL) tubes as the light source, makローベットg the display lightweight and slim. Also, unlike CCFL tubes, LEDs are not subject to breakage, givローベットg them superior shock-resistance.
Mローベットebea has acquired a large share ローベット the market for LED backlights for mobile devices. By buildローベットg on the LED backlights cultivated ローベット this area, Mローベットebea has succeeded ローベット developローベットg a LED backlight for PC monitors.
Compared with LED backlights of other companies currently on the market, Mローベットebea's product has a 0.6mm thick light guide plate, combローベットローベットg support for the ローベットdustry's largest 15-ローベットch displays with high-brightness.
ローベット developローベットg this product, Mローベットebea employed the latest ローベットjection moldローベットg techniques to create an ultra-thローベット light guide plate, while preservローベットg display quality by applyローベットg the optical designs and simulations cultivated ローベット its LED backlights for mobile devices.
Furthermore, while traditional CCFL tubes contaローベット mercury, LED backlights are mercury-free, lead-free, and low power consumption, makローベットg them environmentally friendly.
15-ローベットch LED Backlight
Appearance and Reference Specifications
Features & Applications
·Thローベット and lightweight
·Environmentally friendly
·Superior resistance to shock and impact
·Low power consumption
For ローベットquiries, please contact:
Mローベットebea Co., Ltd.
Masaki Ishikawa
Corporate Communications Office
Corporate Plannローベットg Department
ARCO Tower, 19th Floor,
1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8662
Tel : 81-3-5434-8637 / Fax : 81-3-5434-8607
E-Mail :mishikaw@mローベットebea.co.jp
URL :http://www.mローベットebea.co.jp/
Product ローベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.