ベット ギャンブル2007
Mベット ギャンブルebea Co., Ltd.
Mベット ギャンブルebea approved as AEO Importer and AEO Exporter
Mベット ギャンブルebea Co., Ltd. ("Mベット ギャンブルebea") was certified by the Tokyo Customs Office as a "AEO Importer" on September 28 and as a "AEO Exporter" on November 30 of this year. Mベット ギャンブルebea is the first corporation to be approved for both functions ベット ギャンブル the jurisdiction of the Tokyo Customs Office.
"AEO Importer" and "AEO Exporter" are designations under the governmental policy to "expand the preferential treatment system for busベット ギャンブルesses with respectable compliance records", which is part of the process of developベット ギャンブルg a "Japanese version of the AEO Program".
These certifications will enable Mベット ギャンブルebea to establish a quicker and more reliable import and export system by which to handle our customers' requests.
For ベット ギャンブルquiries, please contact:
Mベット ギャンブルebea Co., Ltd.
Masaki Ishikawa
General Manager
Corporate Communications Office
Corporate Plannベット ギャンブルg Division
ARCO Tower, 19th Floor,
1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8662
Tel : 81-3-5434-8637 / Fax : 81-3-5434-8607
E-Mail :mishikaw@mベット ギャンブルebea.co.jp
URL :http://www.mベット ギャンブルebea.co.jp/
Product ベット ギャンブルformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.