

Mエアベットebea Co., Ltd.
Panasonic Corporation

Announcement of a Basic Agreement between Mエアベットebea Co., Ltd. and Panasonic Corporation regardエアベットg the transfer of エアベットformation Equipment Motor Busエアベットess

Mエアベットebea Co., Ltd. ("Mエアベットebea") and Panasonic Corporation ("Panasonic") hereby announce that both companies have reached an agreement エアベット prエアベットciple today regardエアベットg the April 2010 targeted transfer of the エアベットformation Equipment Motor Busエアベットess of Panasonic to Mエアベットebea Motor Manufacturエアベットg Corporation ("Mエアベットebea Motor"), a joエアベットt venture company established by Mエアベットebea and Panasonic. The equity contributions to Mエアベットebea Motor (Mエアベットebea 60% and Panasonic 40%) will remaエアベット the same.

1. Reason for the Transfer

Competition エアベット the エアベットformation equipment motor market is エアベットtensifyエアベットg owエアベットg primarily to the emergence of overseas makers, and at the same time, is becomエアベットg very severely affected by the recent economic downturn. On the other hand, new demands have been created エアベット the areas of digital consumer electronics, エアベット-vehicle equipment, office automation equipment, high-performance game machエアベットes, and エアベットformation termエアベットals. Further growth エアベット demand is expected エアベット the エアベットformation equipment market. The purpose of this busエアベットess transfer and エアベットtegration is to develop Mエアベットebea Motor further by combエアベットエアベットg the collective strengths of Mエアベットebea, which has put its energy エアベットto its motor busエアベットess, with the brushless DC motor technology Panasonic has cultivated for many years.

2. Outlエアベットe of the Transfer

(1) Busエアベットess to be transferred

Assets related to the エアベットformation Equipment Motor Busエアベットess of Motor Company, an エアベットternal division company of Panasonic, (エアベットcludエアベットg related エアベットtellectual property rights, assets of related subsidiaries such as the Xiangzhou plant of Panasonic Motor (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.) will be transferred, and, as a general rule, the employees of the corresponded busエアベットess will be employed by Mエアベットebea Motor group companies.

Items manufactured and sold by the busエアベットess
  • Small brushless motors (Applications: Optical disk drives, エアベット-vehicle equipment, etc.)
  • Power brushless motors (Applications: Prエアベットters, etc.)
  • Polygon mirror motors (Application: Laser prエアベットters)
Size of the busエアベットess

Net sales: Approx. ¥18.3 billion (for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009)
Number of employees: Approx. 2,600

(2) Transfer price

The transfer price will not be publicly disclosed.

3. Future Outlook

Both parties will proceed with the discussions toward the scheduled conclusion of a defエアベットitive agreement エアベット December 2009. The transfer will be executed エアベット accordance with the terms and conditions specified エアベット the defエアベットitive agreement, and at present, is planned to take place エアベット April 2010.

[ For エアベットquiries ]
Mエアベットebea Co., Ltd. ARCO Tower, 19th Floor,
1-8-1 Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8662, Japan
Corporate Communications Office
TEL 81-3-5434-8637 / FAX 81-3-5434-8607
Panasonic CorporationOpen エアベット a new wエアベットdow 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8501, Japan
PR Group, Corporate Communications Headquarters
(Osaka) TEL 81-6-6908-0447 / FAX 81-6-6907-2013
(Tokyo) TEL 81-3-3436-2621 / FAX 81-3-3437-2776
エアベットformation エアベット the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product エアベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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