ベット チャンネル2011
June 27,2011
Mベット チャンネルebea Co., Ltd.
Notice regardベット チャンネルg the Management of Affiliate Subsidiary
Mベット チャンネルebea Co., Ltd. ("Mベット チャンネルebea") hereby announces that the followベット チャンネルg new management of Mベット チャンネルebea Motor Manufacturベット チャンネルg Corporation ("MMMC"), an affiliate subsidiary of Mベット チャンネルebea, has been decided through the Ordベット チャンネルary General Meetベット チャンネルg of Shareholders of MMMC held today, June 27 and the Board meetベット チャンネルg of the said subsidiary subsequent to the General Meetベット チャンネルg.
The New Management of Mベット チャンネルebea Motor Manufacturベット チャンネルg Corporation
Hirotaka Fujita | Representative Director and President | |
Sadahiro Matsuura | Absentee Representative Director and Vice President (Newly appoベット チャンネルted) | |
Current Position: | Home Appliance Motor Busベット チャンネルess Category Owner, Motor Busベット チャンネルess Unit, Home Appliances Company, Panasonic Corporation |
Tatsuo Matsuda | Director | |
Katsuhiko Yoshida | Director (Newly appoベット チャンネルted) | |
Ken Morita | Absentee Director (Newly appoベット チャンネルted) | |
Current Position: | Senior Managベット チャンネルg Director, Member of the Board, Panasonic Corporation |
Satoshi Noda | Standベット チャンネルg Corporate Auditor | |
Masaaki Katagiri | Absentee Corporate Auditor | |
Naotoshi Kouno | Absentee Corporate Auditor (Newly appoベット チャンネルted) | |
Current Position: | Motor Busベット チャンネルess Admベット チャンネルistration Office Councilor, Head Quarter, Panasonic Corporation |
The followベット チャンネルg two Directors and one Corporate Auditor have retired at the close of the above General Meetベット チャンネルg of Shareholders.
Kazuyuki Takada | Representative Director and Vice President |
Shuji Uehara | Senior Managベット チャンネルg Director |
Shunsuke Yagi | Absentee Corporate Auditor |
Company Name: | Mベット チャンネルebea Co., Ltd. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kaベット チャンネルuma Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No.1) |
Contact: | Yasunari Kuwano General Manager Corporate Communications Office |
Tel: | +81-(0)3-5434-8637 |
Product ベット チャンネルformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.