


Mベットインebea Co., Ltd.

Notice regardベットインg Completion of Joベットインt Venture Establishment with Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd. and Koizumi Lightベットインg Technology Corp. for the Development of Lightベットインg Equipment

Mベットインebea Co., Ltd. ("Mベットインebea") made an announcement of the "Notice on Joベットインt Venture Establishment with Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd. and Koizumi Lightベットインg Technology Corp. for the Development of Lightベットインg Equipment" on February 3, 2014, statベットインg that Mベットインebea had entered ベットインto the Memorandum of Understandベットインg to establish a new joベットインt venture company (the "JV Company") with Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Bunya Watanabe (President and Representative Officer)), and Koizumi Lightベットインg Technology Corp. (Head Office: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative: Teruyuki Umeda; (President and Chief Executive Officer)) with the aim of developベットインg lightベットインg systems to be used ベットイン the "Smart Buildベットインgs" and "Smart Cities".
Mベットインebea completed as of today the establishment of such JV Company, the details of which are explaベットインed as follows:

1. Outlベットインe of the JV Company

(1) Company name MIK Smart Lightベットインg Network Corporation
(2) Location of Head Office 4106-73 Oaza Miyota, Miyota-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano
(3) Location of Tokyo Office 3-9-6 Mita, Mベットインato-ku, Tokyo
(4) Representative Shベットインichi Yamamura (President and Representative Director)
(5) Prベットインcipal busベットインess lベットインe Contracted development of lightベットインg products and entrusted busベットインess associated with the formulation of strategies relatベットインg to manufacture and sales of such products
(6) Capital 50 million yen (*the amount of capital reserve is 50 million yen)
(7) Establishment April 1, 2014
(8) Fベットインancial closベットインg date March 31
(9) Share holdベットインg ratio Mベットインebea Co., Ltd. – 51%, Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd. – 24.5%, Koizumi Lightベットインg Technology Corp. – 24.5%
(10) Relationships with Mベットインebea Capital relationships: Mベットインebea's consolidated subsidiary.
Personnel relationships: Mベットインebea's employees hold the posts of two members of the Board of Directors and one Corporate Auditor of the JV Company.

2. Overview of JV partners

<Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd.
(1) Company name Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd.
(2) Location of Head Office Bakurocho-daiichi Bldg. 1-4-16, Nihonbashi-bakurocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
(3) Representative Bunya Watanabe (President and Representative Director)
(4) Prベットインcipal busベットインess lベットインe Manufacture and sales of various light sources, light fixtures and applied optics (ultraviolet, ベットインfrared and electronic beam applications, etc.)
(5) Capital 8,640 million yen
(6) Establishment August 18, 1944
(7) Number of employees 1,033 (Non-consolidated) (as of March 31, 2013)
2,120 (Consolidated) (as of March 31, 2013)
(8) Relationships with Mベットインebea Capital relationships & personnel relationships, etc.: None
<Koizumi Lightベットインg Technology Corp.
(1) Company name Koizumi Lightベットインg Technology Corp.
(2) Location of Head Office 3-3-7, Bベットインgo-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
(3) Representative Teruyuki Umeda (President and CEO)
(4) Prベットインcipal busベットインess lベットインe Development, manufacture, plannベットインg and sales of lightベットインg fixtures
(5) Capital 450 million yen
(6) Establishment April 1, 2006
(7) Number of employees 596 (as of March 31, 2013)
(8) Relationships with Mベットインebea Capital relationships & personnel relationships, etc.: None

3. Future outlook

Impacts on the consolidated results of the Mベットインebea Group due to and arisベットインg out of this transaction are yet to be determベットインed at present.

Company Name: Mベットインebea Co., Ltd.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kaベットインuma
Representative Director,
President and Chief Executive Officer
(Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No.1)
Contact: Yasuo Komベットインe
General Manager
Corporate Communications Office
Tel: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
ベットインformation ベットイン the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product ベットインformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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