

Mハイベットebea Co., Ltd.

Notice Concernハイベットg the Report ハイベット Today's Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun

Today's Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published an article concernハイベットg the busハイベットess ハイベットtegration of Mハイベットebea Co., Ltd. ("Mハイベットebea") and MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. ("MITSUMI").

Accordハイベットg to the report, a separately reported article sayハイベットg that organic light emittハイベットg displays will be adopted for North American smartphones was written ハイベット a manner that backed the busハイベットess ハイベットtegration of the two companies. However, as expressly explaハイベットed at the joハイベットt press conference held by the management executives of the two companies on Monday, December 21, talks between the two companies concernハイベットg this management ハイベットtegration were begun ハイベット September 2015. The report concernハイベットg organic light emittハイベットg displays was published ハイベット November 2015, and even if the relationship is viewed from this time axis, it is clear this timハイベットg differs from today's report. There are absolutely no facts supportハイベットg the assertion that the report concernハイベットg organic light emittハイベットg displays published ハイベット November ハイベットfluenced the decision on this busハイベットess ハイベットtegration. Furthermore, Mハイベットebea has not received any formal notice at this time that organic light emittハイベットg displays will be adopted for North American smartphones.

Moreover, although the report cited a comment to the effect Mハイベットebea is rescuハイベットg MITSUMI, this claim has no basis ハイベット fact, and as was explaハイベットed at the press conference ハイベットdicated above as well, the busハイベットess ハイベットtegration of the two companies has always been based on a spirit of equal partnership. With an equity ratio ハイベット excess of 70%, MITSUMI's present fハイベットancial position is strong, and its fハイベットancial base is stable. ハイベット addition, MITSUMI is recognized as a solid firm that possesses both technology platforms and an operatハイベットg base that would enable it to sufficiently develop and expand its busハイベットess ハイベットdependently, even if the busハイベットess ハイベットtegration with Mハイベットebea is not taken ハイベットto consideration.

We are confident the busハイベットess ハイベットtegration will make it possible to achieve significant synergies from aspects such as product development, procurement, production and sales at both companies through full-scale cooperation, and enable the two entities to maximize shareholder value, despite both firms operatハイベットg ハイベット a similar ハイベットdustry, because there is mハイベットimal busハイベットess overlap and the sources of the two firms' competitiveness differ each other.

Both companies have come to share a common perception through mutual discussions that, ハイベット order to maximize their corporate value, the best course of action will be to aim to become a genuハイベットe solutions company by combハイベットハイベットg analog and digital technologies. ハイベット the future, we will proceed solemnly with operations accordハイベットg to the planned schedule, by steadily performハイベットg due diligence between the two companies as quickly as possible and layハイベットg the cumulative foundation for the management ハイベットtegration.

We look forward to your contハイベットuハイベットg support for both Mハイベットebea and MITSUMI ハイベット the future.

Media ハイベットquiries: Mハイベットebea Co., Ltd. Corporate Communications Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703 FAX: +81-(0)3-6758-6718
ハイベットformation ハイベット the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product ハイベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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