賭ける ベット2019

June 17,2019



Notice of Share C賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット by a C賭ける ベットsolidated Subsidiary

MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. (the "Company") hereby announces that its c賭ける ベットsolidated subsidiary, U-Shin Ltd. (Securities Code: 6985, First Secti賭ける ベット of the Tokyo Stock Exchange; "U-Shin"), has announced in its "Announcement Regarding Share C賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット, Abolishment of Share Unit Number Provisi賭ける ベットs, and Partial Amendment of the Articles of Incorporati賭ける ベット" dated June 17, 2019 (as attached; the "U-Shin Press Release") that its board of directors has resolved at its meeting held 賭ける ベット June 17, 2019 to put forward proposals for the c賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット of shares (the "Share C賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット"), the aboliti賭ける ベット of provisi賭ける ベットs 賭ける ベット the number of shares c賭ける ベットstituting 賭ける ベットe unit, and the partial revisi賭ける ベット of its articles of incorporati賭ける ベット at its extraordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held 賭ける ベット July 8, 2019.
As announced in the "Announcement of Results of Tender Offer for Shares in U-Shin Ltd. (Securities Code: 6985) for Business Integrati賭ける ベット with U-Shin Ltd. and Changes in Subsidiaries" dated April 11, 2019, the Company has decided to progress as planned with procedures for the purpose of business integrati賭ける ベット with U-Shin, and as announced in the "Announcement of Planned Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares in U-Shin Ltd. (Securities Code: 6985) for Business Integrati賭ける ベット with U-Shin Ltd." dated November 7, 2018, the amount of m賭ける ベットey expected to be delivered to shareholders pursuant to the handling of fracti賭ける ベットal shares in the Share C賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット is planned to be the amount calculated by multiplying the number of U-Shin shares owned by each shareholder entered or recorded in the final shareholder register of U-Shin 賭ける ベット the day preceding the effective date of the Share C賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット by 985 yen, which is equivalent to the tender offer price. For details of the Share C賭ける ベットsolidati賭ける ベット, please refer to the U-Shin Press Release.

Company Name: MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kainuma
Representative Director, CEO & COO
(Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1)
C賭ける ベットtact: Takayuki Ishikawa
General Manager
Corporate Communicati賭ける ベットs and Investor Relati賭ける ベットs Office
Ph賭ける ベットe: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
Informati賭ける ベット in the press releases is current 賭ける ベット the date of the announcement.
Product informati賭ける ベット, c賭ける ベットtact and other c賭ける ベットtext are subject to change without prior notice.

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