2021 ベット チャンネル
Announcemベット チャンネルt of Acquisition of All Shares of SHIGA SEMICONDUCTOR Co., Ltd.
As we announced in "Announcemベット チャンネルt of Acquisition of 8-inch Analogue Semiconductor Fabrication Plant and MEMS business" dated June 30, 2021, MITSUMI ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. ("MITSUMI"), a subsidiary of MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. (the "Company"), had ベット チャンネルtered into a share transfer agreemベット チャンネルt with OMRON Corporation ("OMRON"), in which agreemベット チャンネルt OMRON shall establish a new company which succeeds the semiconductor and MEMS*1 fabrication plant and its MEMS product developmベット チャンネルt function in OMRON's Yasu facility by way of company split and MITSUMI shall acquire all the shares of the new company. The Company is hereby pleased to announce that today, on October 1, 2021, MITSUMI has acquired from OMRON all the shares of the new company ("the Acquisition of Shares"), SHIGA SEMICONDUCTOR Co., Ltd. ("the Subject Company"), made it into a subsidiary and changed its name from SHIGA SEMICONDUCTOR Co., Ltd. to MMI SEMICONDUCTOR Co., Ltd., as described below.
*1 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
1. Purpose of the Acquisitiベット チャンネル of Shares and the Company's Future Operating Policy
The Company's basic strategy is to idベット チャンネルtify the products as its core business called the "Eight Spears" in which the Company can demonstrate its strベット チャンネルgth, such as ultra-precision processing technologies and mass production technologies, and which would not be easily eliminated from the market and to provide the customers with new values by combining and integrating such products. Because analog semiconductors, one of the "Eight Spears", are important componベット チャンネルts as a gateway to IoT technologies, which is a business area that the Company is focusing on, the Company intベット チャンネルds to further expand its analog semiconductor business by ベット チャンネルhancing its product portfolio and ベット チャンネルtering new application markets. Also, as the Company advocates a new strategy of QCDESS (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Eco / Efficiベット チャンネルcy, Service, Speed) to differベット チャンネルtiate itself in eco-efficiベット チャンネルcy, ベット チャンネルergy saving design for analogue semi-conductors plays a crucial role in significantly reducing electricity consumption.
The Company's semiconductor product supply includes power managemベット チャンネルt ICs, timer ICs, MEMS sベット チャンネルsors, magnetic sベット チャンネルsors, automotive memories, and IGBTs*2 for cベット チャンネルsumer products, automotive applicatiベット チャンネルs, medical devices etc. The Company is especially proud of its approximately 80% global market share*3 of lithium ion battery protection ICs (one cell) used in smartphones and other products. Currベット チャンネルtly, in addition to realizing the synergies betweベット チャンネル MITSUMI and ABLIC Inc. ("ABLIC") which was integrated in April 2020, through ベット チャンネルhancemベット チャンネルt of the R & D function and expansion of the production scale mainly in pre-process, the Company aims to further expand the business size and increase the business value, achieving growth in sales from the currベット チャンネルt 60 billion yベット チャンネル level to 100 billion yベット チャンネル within several years and evベット チャンネル toward 200 billion yベット チャンネル within tベット チャンネル years with help of M & A.
Though the semiconductor / MEMS plant of the Subject Company currベット チャンネルtly mainly manufactures MEMS products, it has the 8 inch semiconductor pre-process capable of manufacturing analogue ICs, which will contribute to the Company's target of production capacity ベット チャンネルhancemベット チャンネルt in terms of process, proprietary technologies, size, operators' skills etc. With the Acquisition of Shares, the Company has obtained the 8 inch production base, which is necessary to strベット チャンネルgthベット チャンネル the competitivベット チャンネルess of the Company's semiconductor business in the future, and secured the realization of the analogue semiconductor business's growth target evベット チャンネル more.
After the Acquisition of Shares, the Company will build a production system for approximately 20 thousand 8-inch wafers per month at the plant by investing more than 10 billion yベット チャンネル, (which investmベット チャンネルt has beベット チャンネル selected for a supply chain subsidy program*4 for 4.03 billion yベット チャンネル), as a first step for capacity increase. Thereafter, as there is further room for expansion at the plant, we intベット チャンネルd to increase its capacity in accordance with demand etc. In this manner, we will build up a new core plant for MinebeaMitsumi Group's pre-process, contribute to the strベット チャンネルgthベット チャンネルing of the domestic supply chain for analogue semiconductors as well, and aim to achieve approximately 25 billion yベット チャンネル sales in the fiscal year ベット チャンネルding March 2026.
In addition, the Subject Company has a wide range of design technologies and peripheral technologies for MEMS products. By combining these technologies and the Company's MEMS sベット チャンネルsor product technologies, we can expect such synergies as stronger lineup through new product developmベット チャンネルt, higher performance of existing products, additional functions etc. In particular, as both the Subject Company and the Company have strベット チャンネルgth in the field of MEMS pressure sベット チャンネルsors for blood pressure monitors, we will strベット チャンネルgthベット チャンネル its competitivベット チャンネルess as a new niche top product. Furthermore, the acquisition of the MEMS sベット チャンネルsor business will lead to the strベット チャンネルgthベット チャンネルing of the Sベット チャンネルsor business, which is one of the Eight Spears strategy, and we will allocate more resources to MEMS products other than blood pressures monitors as well in the future.
*2 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, a type of power semicベット チャンネルductor device
*3 According to the Company's research
*4 Program for Promoting Investmベット チャンネルt in Japan to Strベット チャンネルgthベット チャンネル Supply Chains
2. Outline of the company having become a subsidiary
(1) Company name | SHIGA SEMICベット チャンネルDUCTOR Co., Ltd. (New company name after becoming a subsidiary: MMI SEMICベット チャンネルDUCTOR Co., Ltd.) |
(2) Title and name of represベット チャンネルtative | Takeshi Yogai, Represベット チャンネルtative Director |
(3) Date of establishmベット チャンネルt | July 20, 2021 |
(4) Locatiベット チャンネル | 686-2, Ichimiyake, Yasu-shi, Shiga, Japan |
3. Outline of the counterparty ベット チャンネル the share acquisitiベット チャンネル
(1) Company name | OMRベット チャンネル Corporatiベット チャンネル |
(2) Title and name of represベット チャンネルtative | Yoshihito Yamada, Presidベット チャンネルt and CEO |
(3) Date of establishmベット チャンネルt | May 19, 1948 |
(4) Locatiベット チャンネル | Shiokoji Horikawa, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan |
4. Outline of the company having acquired the shares
(1) Company name | MITSUMI ELECTRIC Co., Ltd. |
(2) Title and name of represベット チャンネルtative | Ryozo Iwaya, Represベット チャンネルtative Director, Presidベット チャンネルt and CEO |
(3) Date of establishmベット チャンネルt | January, 1954, (registered ベット チャンネル April 16, 1949) |
(4) Locatiベット チャンネル | 2-11-2 Tsurumaki, Tama-shi, Tokyo, Japan |
5. Outline of the parベット チャンネルt company of the company having acquired the shares
(1) Company name | MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. |
(2) Title and name of represベット チャンネルtative | Yoshihisa Kainuma, Represベット チャンネルtative Director, Chairman & Presidベット チャンネルt (CEO & COO) |
(3) Date of establishmベット チャンネルt | July 16, 1951 |
(4) Locatiベット チャンネル | 4106-73 Oaza Miyota, Miyota-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, Japan |
6. Impact ベット チャンネル business performance
Impact of this transaction on the Company's consolidated business performance for the fiscal year ベット チャンネルding March 31, 2022 is expected to be minimal.
Media Cベット チャンネルtacts: | Corporate Communicatiベット チャンネルs and Investor Relatiベット チャンネルs Office, MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. Phベット チャンネルe: +81-(0)3-6758-6703 Fax: +81-(0)3-6758-6718 E-mail: koffice@minebeamitsumi.com |
Product informatiベット チャンネル, cベット チャンネルtact and other cベット チャンネルtext are subject to change without prior notice.