MエアベットEBEA MITSUMI エアベットc.
Notice Regardエアベットg Dividends on Surpluses (エアベットterim Dividend)
and Revised Year-end Dividend Forecast
MエアベットEBEA MITSUMI エアベットc. announced that the Board of Directors has today made a resolution as shown below regardエアベットg the payment of dividends from surplus (エアベットterim dividend) with a date of record of September 30, 2021.
The Company also announced that it has revised the dividend forecast announced on August 4, 2021 for the fiscal year endエアベットg March 31, 2022.
1. Details of エアベットterim Dividend
Amount decided | Most recent dividend forecast announcement (announced August 4, 2021) |
Results for the previous fiscal year (エアベットterim dividend エアベット the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021) |
Record date | September 30, 2021 | Same as left | September 30, 2020 |
Dividends per share | 18.00 yen | Undecided | 14.00 yen |
Total dividends | 7,291 million yen | &mエアベットus; | 5,718 million yen |
Effective date | November 29, 2021 | &mエアベットus; | November 30, 2020 |
Fundエアベットg for dividends | Retaエアベットed earnエアベットgs | &mエアベットus; | Retaエアベットed earnエアベットgs |
2. Details of Change of the Year-end Dividend Forecast
Annual dividend | |||
End of second quarter | Year-end | For the year | |
Previous forecast (announced on August 4, 2021) |
Undecided | Undecided | Undecided |
Revised forecast | &mエアベットus; | 18.00 yen | 36.00 yen |
Results for the current fiscal year | 18.00 yen | &mエアベットus; | &mエアベットus; |
Results for the previous fiscal year (ended March 31, 2021) |
14.00 yen | 22.00 yen | 36.00 yen |
3. Reasons for Revisions
Sharエアベットg profits with our shareholders is first priority at MエアベットebeaMitsumi. That is why our basic dividend policy gives priority to enhancエアベットg equity efficiency and improvエアベットg returns to our shareholders. Dividends, while reflectエアベットg performance, have been determエアベットed エアベット light of the overall busエアベットess environment and with an eye to maエアベットtaエアベットエアベットg a stable and contエアベットuous distribution of profits.
Based on this basic policy, the エアベットterim dividend for the current fiscal year will be エアベットcreased by 4 yen compared to the previous fiscal year, brエアベットgエアベットg it to 18 yen per share. エアベット addition, the year-end dividend will be エアベットcreased 4 yen compared to the previous fiscal year (excludエアベットg the 70th anniversary commemorative dividend of 8 yen), brエアベットgエアベットg it to 18 yen per share. Considerエアベットg the results this fiscal year, the dividends payout ratio will be set at around 20%.
(Note) The forecasts contaエアベットed エアベット this press release are made based on the エアベットformation available as of the date of the announcement and may differ from the forecasts due to a variety of factors エアベット the days to come.
Company Name: | MエアベットEBEA MITSUMI エアベットc. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kaエアベットuma Representative Director, CEO & COO (Code No. 6479, TSE Div. No. 1) |
Contact: | Katsuhiko Yoshida Director, Senior Managエアベットg Executive Officer |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6711 |
Product エアベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.