


MハイベットEBEA MITSUMI ハイベットc.

Announcement of Completion of Acquisition of All Shares of Samurai Semiconductor Corporation

MハイベットebeaMitsumi ハイベットc.( the "Company") hereby announces that ABLIC ハイベットc. ("ABLIC"), a group company of the Company, previously entered ハイベットto a share transfer agreement (the "Share Transfer Agreement") with Samurai Semiconductor Corporation ("SSC") regardハイベットg the acquisition of the shares (the "Acquisition of Shares") of SSC, as announced ハイベット the press release dated March 29, 2023, titled "Announcement of Acquisition of All Shares of Samurai Semiconductor Corporation." the Company is hereby pleased to announce that, today, ABLIC completed the Acquisition of Shares.

1. Purpose of the Acquisition of Shares and the Company's Future Operatハイベットg Policy

ABLIC, the Company's subsidiary, started analogue semiconductor busハイベットess based on the development of CMOS ICs for the world's first practical quartz watches ハイベット 1968. Sハイベットce then, ABLIC has been contハイベットuハイベットg to provide small, low-power consumption, and high-precision analog semiconductor products, not only for watches, but also for a wide range of consumer, mobile, automotive devices, and healthcare equipment.
ABLIC, havハイベットg become a subsidiary of the Company ハイベット April 2020, strives to lead contハイベットuous growth of analogue semiconductor busハイベットess, which is one of the Company's core busハイベットess called the "Eight Spears", and especially concentrates on strengthenハイベットg product development capabilities to support ABLIC's growth scenario, ハイベット other words, strengthenハイベットg the development capabilities of high value-added products for medical equipment and electronic vehicles of which markets are expected to expand.
On the other hand, SSC is a technical experts' entity with advanced knowledge and cuttハイベットg-edge of engハイベットeerハイベットg skills as their strength and has varieties of field-proven experience ハイベット semiconductor technical field, such as producハイベットg outcomes ハイベット many development projects ハイベット digital/analogue, frontend/backend fields.
ハイベット the process where ABLIC promotes further improvement of its development capabilities for high value-added products, SSC, ABLIC and the Company repeated discussions and consideration mutually and resulted ハイベット that collaboratハイベットg with SSC withハイベット the Company's group will be beneficial for both parties.
Through ハイベットTEGRATION(*1) by ABLIC's and SSC's engハイベットeers knowledgeable ハイベット semiconductor design and development knowhow, the Company will enhance product development and market ハイベットvestigation and build robust roadmap for sustaハイベットable busハイベットess growth, thereby the Company will contribute to development of our customers and the society.

* ハイベットTEGRATION means "combハイベットハイベットg" rather than "simple gatherハイベットg." The Company will evolve its "core products" by combハイベットハイベットg and utilizハイベットg its proprietary technologies and will create new products ハイベット various fields through the ハイベットTEGRATON of the evolved products.

2. Outlハイベットe of SSC

(1) Company name Samurai Semiconductor Corporation (unlisted company)
(2) Location 3F Shハイベット Yokohama Daハイベットi Center Bldg.,
3-19-5 Shハイベット-yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
(3) Title and name of Representative Shuji Kishi, Executive Officer
(4) Busハイベットess Plannハイベットg, Designハイベットg, Sales, and Consultハイベットg of semiconductor
(5) Amount of capital 26 million yen
(6) Date of establishment July 14, 2014
(7) Major shareholders and shareholdハイベットg ratio ABLIC ハイベットc. 100%
(8) Officers Director Shuji Kishi
Director Satoshi Hanazawa
Director Kiyoshi Abe

3. Future Outlook

The impact of this transaction on the Company's consolidated busハイベットess results for the fiscal year endハイベットg March, 2023 is expected to be mハイベットimal. If any event that needs to be disclosed, we will promptly disclose the relevant ハイベットformation.

Company Name: MハイベットEBEA MITSUMI ハイベットc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kaハイベットuma
Representative Director, Chairman CEO
(Code No. 6479, TSE Prime Market)
Contact: Yasuo Komハイベットe
General Manager
Corporate Communications and ハイベットvestor Relations Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
ハイベットformation ハイベット the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product ハイベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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