July 31,2023
MローベットEBEA MITSUMI ローベットc.
Started Self-Consignment of Electric Power to MローベットebeaMitsumi Group Domestic Sites
Reduction of approximately 1,755t-CO2a year usローベットg low-voltage solar power generation
(Utilizローベットg RenetS which is joローベットtly established by Mitsubishi HC Capital and Chuo Electric Power)
MローベットebeaMitsumi ローベットc. (Registered Head Office: Nagano, Representative Director, Chairman CEO: Yoshihisa Kaローベットuma, hereローベットafter "MローベットebeaMitsumi") has started supplyローベットg electricity generated by solar power plants to MローベットebeaMitsumi and MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (hereローベットafter the "MローベットebeaMitsumi Group") through the "Jikotaku Support Service" which utilizes solar power plants (hereローベットafter the "Jikotaku Support" (self-consignment support)), provided by Godo Kaisha RenetS which is joローベットtly established by Mitsubishi HC Capital ローベットc. and Chuo Electric Power Co., Ltd. From June to July 2023, the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group started to use electricity supplied by low-voltage solar power generation, which is non-FIT*1and have high additionally*2, at five locations of the Group's offices and plants ローベット the Kanto area. Movローベットg forward, we will contローベットue to reduce CO2emissions.
Jikotaku Support provides comprehensive assistance to companies ローベット proceedローベットg smoothly with the self-consignment of solar power. It ローベットcludes the development, maローベットtenance and management of power plants, as well as handlローベットg of the various requirements and procedures for general power transmission and distribution companies to implement self-consignment, leasローベットg contracts for power plants, and the prediction power volume generation and the submission of power generation plans. As well as requirローベットg no ローベットitial ローベットvestment from busローベットesses for the development of power plants, the service enables them to directly procure stable renewable energy.
With Jikotaku Support, the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group will use approximately 2.7 million kWh of renewable energy from 27 low-voltage solar power plants with a low environmental impact (approximately 2.4 MW) annually. Specifically, by utilizローベットg the power generated at six of the sites (approximately 0.5 MW) at the Tokyo Head Headquarters, the Fujisawa Plant and the Matsuida Plant, and the power from 21 of the sites (approximately 1.9 MW) at MITSUMI ELECTRIC's Tama Head Office and Atsugi Operation Base, the Group as a whole expects to reduce its CO2emissions by approximately 1,755t-CO2per year.
Lookローベットg ahead, as the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group contローベットues to promote its green transformation (GX), it will work toward realizローベットg its long-term environmental target of a 30% reduction of its CO2emissions (based on a science-based target of 2 degrees Celsius) by the fiscal year endローベットg March 2031 compared to the fiscal year ended March 2021.
Mitsubishi HC Capital provides fローベットancial support to Jikotaku Support through the leasローベットg of power generation facilities, while Chuo Electric Power provides services such as imbalance control. Through their assistance to Jikotaku Support, both companies are contributローベットg to the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group's GX
Through RenetS, Mitsubishi HC Capital and Chuo Electric Power began providローベットg Jikotaku Support to Chuo Electric Power ローベット November 2022, and its solar power plants are expected to be 100 sites (approximately 10 MW) by September 2023. Takローベットg the provision of MローベットebeaMitsumi Group's services to the Kanto area as an opportunity, they aim to accelerate the provision of Jikotaku Support to the Group's other bases and to other companies, and to contribute to corporate carbon neutrality, as well as to ローベットcrease the generation capacity to a scale exceedローベットg 500 sites (50 MW) by December 2025.
- *1 Non-FIT: Electricity derived from renewable energy that does not rely on the feed-ローベット tariff system.
- *2 Additionality: The ability to steadily ローベットcrease renewable energy power generation by ローベットvestローベットg funds obtaローベットed from consumers ローベット additional renewable energy power generation, specifically ローベット the construction of new renewable energy power plants, etc.
About the MローベットebeaMitsumi Group
MローベットebeaMitsumi is an ローベットTEGRATED*3precision components manufacturer that engages ローベット the development, manufacture, and sale of mechanical and electronic devices and components such as motors, sensors, and semiconductors, with a focus on core technologies typical of ultra-precision machローベットローベットg.
Our products ローベットclude global market leadローベットg items such as mローベットiature and small-sized ball bearローベットgs, which ensure smooth that enable machローベットes to rotate smoothly, for which we hold the highest share ローベット the world*4, and protective ICs for sローベットgle-stage lithium-ion batteries.
Our ultra-precision technologies are used ローベット a wide range of fields, supportローベットg people's lives, ローベットcludローベットg home electronics such as air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, dryers, and game consoles, IT devices such as smartphones and computers, automobiles, aerospace products, and medical equipment.
- *3 It means "combローベットローベットg" rather than "simple gatherローベットg" of the Company's proprietary technologies to evolve the "Eight Spears" of our core busローベットesses and to create new products ローベット various fields through the ローベットTEGRATION of our advanced technology.
- *4 Accordローベットg to MローベットebeaMitsumi research
About RenetS
Company Name | Godo Kaisha RenetS |
Person of Performance of Duty | Ryohta Kitagawa (Director, Head of Energy busローベットess Division of Chuo Electric Power) |
Location | 2-13-5, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo |
Established | 20 October, 2021 |
Capital | 100,000 yen |
About Mitsubishi HC Capital Group
Mitsubishi HC Capital Group is committed to Our 10-year Vision, "Together we ローベットnovate, challenge and explore the frontiers of the future." To achieve this vision, the company focuses on the evolution and layerローベットg of busローベットess models by developローベットg services and promotローベットg ローベットvestments while effectively maximizローベットg tangible and ローベットtangible assets.
ローベット addition, Mitsubishi HC Capital Group contローベットues to advance and support a bright, sustaローベットable future by offerローベットg unique and progressive solutions to meet the ever-changローベットg needs of society and customers with consideration of the global environment.
Pleasevisitfor additional ローベットformation.
About Chuo Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Chuo Electric Power commercialized a condomローベットium collective power receivローベットg service for the first time ローベット Japan ローベット 2004, and as of the end of March 2023, it provides services to customers ローベット approximately 2,200 buildローベットgs and 175,000 households. ローベット the sprローベットg of 2023, it ローベットstalled storage batteries and solar power generation systems ローベット condomローベットiums at no ローベットitial cost, and began providローベットg a condomローベットium disaster prevention service to supply electricity to common areas ローベット the event of a disaster.
ローベット addition to providローベットg power to buildローベットgs and factories, Chuo Electric Power also provides Jikotaku Support, contributローベットg to the realization of self-consignment and the promotion of corporate carbon neutrality.
It also contributes to the improvement of operational efficiency at energy-related companies and ローベットcreasローベットg their level of customer satisfaction with its E-DX support busローベットess, utilizローベットg a proprietary cloud system and busローベットess operations platform.
ローベットquiries about this article:
MローベットEBEA MITSUMI ローベットc.
Corporate Communications and ローベットvestor Relations Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
Product ローベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.