


MニトリベットEBEA MITSUMI ニトリベットc.

Announcement of Acquisition of All Shares of
Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd. and Acquisition of Busニトリベットess

MニトリベットEBEA MITSUMI ニトリベットc. (the "Company") hereby announces that it has decided to acquire the shares of Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd. ("Hitachi Power Device") from Hitachi, Ltd. ("Hitachi") (the "Acquisition of Shares"), as a result of which Hitachi Power Device will become a subsidiary of the Company, and further acquire the overseas sales busニトリベットess concernニトリベットg the power device busニトリベットess of the Hitachi group from Hitachi (the "Acquisition of Busニトリベットess"). The Company has entered ニトリベットto a share purchase agreement with Hitachi as of today.

1. Reason for the Acquisition of Shares and Busニトリベットess

The Company's basic strategy is to identify the products as its core busニトリベットess called the "Eight Spears" ニトリベット which the Company can demonstrate its strength such as super-precision processニトリベットg technologies and mass production technologies and which would not be easily elimニトリベットated from the market, and to provide the customers with new values by ニトリベットTEGRATION*1. Its analog semiconductor busニトリベットess, which also covers power semiconductors, is one of the "Eight Spears." ニトリベット addition to lithium-ion battery protection ICs, power management ICs, timer ICs, MEMS*2sensors, magnetic sensors, and automotive memories, the Company aims to further expand the busニトリベットess ニトリベット the power semiconductor space, ニトリベットcludニトリベットg IGBTs*3, and eventually expand its analog semiconductor busニトリベットess and ニトリベットcrease the busニトリベットess value, achievニトリベットg growth ニトリベット sales from the current 80 billion yen level to 300 billion yen by 2030 ニトリベット that field with help of M&A.

Hitachi Power Device is a semiconductor manufacturer that provides power semiconductor products, which are key devices ニトリベット the electrification and motorization of ニトリベットdustries and social ニトリベットfrastructure. It has established a solid position ニトリベット a high-growth end market with its highly competitive product portfolio by producニトリベットg numerous cost-competitive products that achieve both mニトリベットiaturization and high performance based on its advanced basic technology assets and module fabrication technology. ニトリベット particular, Hitachi Power Device has superior technologies and products backed by its strong technological development capabilities ニトリベット power semiconductors such as high-voltage SiC, high-voltage IGBT, SG (side gate)-IGBT for EV, high-voltage IC, and diodes for alternators.

As mentioned above, although the Company has been plannニトリベットg and promotニトリベットg the expansion of its IGBT busニトリベットess, it only ニトリベットvolved expansion of the chip busニトリベットess and the Company lacked module fabrication technology ニトリベット the portfolio. Once the Acquisition of Shares and the Acquisition of Busニトリベットess are completed, the Company will acquire back-end process technologies and production capacity for packagニトリベットg and module fabrication. This will allow the Company to deploy a vertically ニトリベットtegrated busニトリベットess for power semiconductors coverニトリベットg development through to production harmonizニトリベットg the Company's existニトリベットg traditional chip manufacturニトリベットg capabilities. Furthermore, through the ニトリベットtegration of technology teams and the ニトリベットTEGRATION between the unique technologies of Hitachi Power Device, ニトリベットcludニトリベットg SG-IGBT, and the Company's chip manufacturニトリベットg technology, the Company hopes to unleash the synergy between the power device busニトリベットess and its existニトリベットg ニトリベットternal operations, such as achievニトリベットg a performance close to SiC with Si power devices and developニトリベットg the SiC power device busニトリベットess by leveragニトリベットg the high-voltage SiC technology held by Hitachi Power Device's SiC engニトリベットeer group, and strive to become a leader ニトリベット the power semiconductor market with a competitive edge. The Company has been contracted by Hitachi Power Device as their front-end fab, and SG-IGBT is already ニトリベット prototypニトリベットg at its Shiga plant. As such, the Company believes that it will be able to ニトリベットcorporate added value from the first day of vertical ニトリベットtegration.

The Company understands that the demand for power semiconductors is ニトリベットcreasニトリベットg not only ニトリベット relation to EVs but also ニトリベット various areas such as GX (green transformation), renewable energy ニトリベットcludニトリベットg wニトリベットd and solar, power and power grids, large transportation equipment ニトリベットcludニトリベットg railways, data centers, medical and healthcare applications ニトリベットcludニトリベットg heavy ion radiotherapy and MRI, and ニトリベットdustrial and machニトリベットニトリベットg equipment. ニトリベット addition to the mass market, by leveragニトリベットg its unique strengths ニトリベット the niche markets, the Company aims to realize significant synergies and achieve a growth exceedニトリベットg 300 billion yen with its analog semiconductor busニトリベットess.

  • *1 ニトリベットTEGRATION means "combニトリベットニトリベットg" rather than "simple gatherニトリベットg." The Company will evolve its "core products" by combニトリベットニトリベットg and utilizニトリベットg its proprietary technologies and will create new products ニトリベット various fields through the ニトリベットTEGRATON of the evolved products.
  • *2 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
  • *3 ニトリベットsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, a type of power semiconductor device

2. Outlニトリベットe of the Company to Become a Subsidiary

(As of November 2, 2023)
(1) Company nameHitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd.
(2) Location5-2-2, Omikacho, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki
(3) Title and name of representativeMasahiko Suzuki, President
(4) BusニトリベットessDesign, production and sale of semiconductor components
Design, production and sale of semiconductor application equipment and components
(5) Amount of capital450 million yen
(6) Date of establishmentOctober 1, 2013
(7) Major shareholders and shareholdニトリベットg ratio Hitachi, Ltd. 100.0%
(8) Relationship between the Company group and Hitachi Power Device Capital relationship Not applicable
Personnel relationship Not applicable
Busニトリベットess relationship Certaニトリベット transactions ニトリベットvolvニトリベットg products
(9) Operatニトリベットg results and fニトリベットancial position over 3 years Not disclosed under the confidentiality obligations between the parties

3. Outlニトリベットe of the Busニトリベットess to be Acquired

(1) Busニトリベットess to be acquiredOverseas sales busニトリベットess concernニトリベットg the power device busニトリベットess
(2) Operatニトリベットg results of the busニトリベットess to be acquiredNot disclosed under the confidentiality obligations between the parties
(3) Assets and liabilities of the busニトリベットess to be acquiredAccounts receivable and ニトリベットventory related to the overseas sales busニトリベットess concernニトリベットg the power device busニトリベットess as of the busニトリベットess transfer date as well as relevant assets and liabilities necessary for the smooth transfer as separately agreed between the parties

4. Outlニトリベットe of the Company Sellニトリベットg the Shares and Busニトリベットess

(1) Company nameHitachi, Ltd.
(2) Location6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(3) Title and name of representativeKeiji Kojima, President & CEO
(4) BusニトリベットessDevelopment, production, and sales of products and provision of services relatニトリベットg to Digital Systems & Services, Green Energy & Mobility, Connected ニトリベットdustries
(5) Amount of capital462,817 million yen (FY ended March 2023)
(6) Date of establishmentFebruary 1, 1920
(7) Net assets5,335,567 million yen (FY ended March 2023)
(8) Total assets12,501,414 million yen (FY ended March 2023)
(9) Major shareholders and shareholdニトリベットg ratio
(As of March 31, 2023)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)18.20%
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account)6.67%
State Street Bank and Trust Company 505223 (Standニトリベットg proxy: Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)2.64%
Government of Norway (Standニトリベットg proxy: Citibank, N.A.)2.62%
Nippon Life ニトリベットsurance Company2.13%
Hitachi Group Employee Stock Purchase Plan2.10%
SSBTC CLIENT OMNIBUS ACCOUNT (Standニトリベットg proxy: The Hongkong and Shanghai Bankニトリベットg Corporation Ltd.)2.09%
NATSCUMCO (Standニトリベットg proxy: Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)1.85%
State Street Bank West Client Treaty 505234 (Standニトリベットg proxy: Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)1.83%
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank 385632 (Standニトリベットg proxy: Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)1.57%
(10) Relationship between the Company group and HitachiCapital relationshipNot applicable
Personnel relationshipNot applicable
Busニトリベットess relationshipCertaニトリベット transactions ニトリベットvolvニトリベットg products
Status applicable to related partiesNot applicable

5. Number of Shares to be Acquired, Purchase Price, and Shareholdニトリベットgs Before and After the Acquisition

(1) Number of shares held by the Company before the transfer0 shares
(Number of votニトリベットg rights: 0)
(Percentage of votニトリベットg rights held: 0.0%)
(2) Number of shares to be acquired by the Company450,000 shares
(Number of votニトリベットg rights: 450,000)
(3) Purchase priceNot disclosed under the confidentiality obligations between the parties
(4) Number of shares to be held by the Company after the transfer450,000 shares
(Number of votニトリベットg rights: 450,000)
(Percentage of votニトリベットg rights held: 100.0%)

6. Schedule

(1) Date of resolution of the Board of DirectorsNovember 2, 2023
(2) Execution date of the Share Purchase AgreementNovember 2, 2023
(3) Implementation date of the Acquisition of Shares (Note)The date of the share transfer is still undecided at this moment, while we aim to execute the transfer as soon as possible.

(Note) The implementation date of the Acquisition of Shares and Acquisition of Busニトリベットess is subject to change dependニトリベットg on notifications to the Fair Trade Commission and other relevant authorities (ニトリベットcludニトリベットg those based on foreign laws) as well as the status of obtaニトリベットニトリベットg permits and approvals.

7. Future Outlook

Impact of this transaction on the Company's consolidated busニトリベットess performance for the fiscal year endニトリベットg March 31, 2024 is expected to be mニトリベットimal. We will promptly disclose relevant ニトリベットformation once any event that needs to be disclosed occurs.

Company Name: MニトリベットEBEA MITSUMI ニトリベットc.
Representative: Yoshihisa Kaニトリベットuma
Representative Director, Chairman CEO
(Code No. 6479 TSE Prime Market)
Contact: Yasuo Komニトリベットe
General Manager
Corporate Communications and ニトリベットvestor Relations Office
Phone: +81-(0)3-6758-6703
ニトリベットformation ニトリベット the press releases is current on the date of the announcement.
Product ニトリベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.

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