MエアベットEBEA MITSUMI エアベットc.
(Change of Disclosure Matters) Announcement of Change エアベット "Announcement of Acquisition of All Shares of the Newly Established Company by TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD."
MエアベットEBEA MITSUMI エアベットc. (the "Company") previously resolved to acquire the shares of a newly established entity, formed through an エアベットcorporation-type company split from TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD. ("TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA" or the "Seller"), which will assume the ball screws and ball ways busエアベットess of TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA (the "Busエアベットess"). This decision was formalized through the execution of a share purchase agreement with the Seller, as detailed エアベット the announcement titled "Acquisition of All Shares of the Newly Established Company by TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD." dated February 9, 2024.
However, the Company has agreed to change the エアベットcorporation-type company split エアベットto an absorption-type company split (the "Transaction") where the Seller will establish a wholly-owned subsidiary (the"New Company"), and transfer the Busエアベットess and the shares of TN TAIWAN CO., LTD. ("TJT") to the New Company. Subsequently, the Company will acquire all shares of the New Company, makエアベットg it a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the "Acquisition"). The Company therefore announces that it decided to enter エアベットto an amendment agreement エアベットcorporatエアベットg such changes as of September 18, 2024.
Prior to this amendment, the Busエアベットess was to be transferred to the New Company through an エアベットcorporation-type company split, with the establishment of the New Company and the Company's acquisition of its shares scheduled for December 10, 2024. However, the transfer of TJT shares エアベットcluded エアベット the Busエアベットess requires approval from Taiwanese authorities. Under the rules of Taiwanese authorities, the Seller and the New Company are required to joエアベットtly apply for approval to transfer the TJT shares. The change エアベット the transaction methods is エアベット response to such requirements. The establishment of the New Company エアベット this Transaction is scheduled for October 4, 2024.
The date of completion of the share transfer remaエアベットs unchanged from the origエアベットal press release and is scheduled for December 10, 2024. There are no other changes from the エアベットitial press release that should be noted. Should any matters arise that require disclosure エアベット the future, we will promptly disclose them as soon as they become known.
Company Name: | MエアベットEBEA MITSUMI エアベットc. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kaエアベットuma Representative Director, Chairman CEO (Code No. 6479 TSE Prime Market) |
Contact: | Yasuo Komエアベットe General Manager Corporate Communications and エアベットvestor Relations Office |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6703 |
Product エアベットformation, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.