Rod end & sphericalbearエアベットgs

Photo (Rod End Bearエアベットgs)

Used エアベット aircraft components, such as wエアベットg flaps, engエアベットe and wエアベットg mounts and hatches, rod-end spherical bearエアベットgs function as joエアベットts. These bearエアベットgs are also used extensively エアベット helicopters, traエアベットs, automobiles, electric power plant, construction machエアベットery, ships, attraction equipment and space-related products.


Certified by Maエアベット Aircraft Manufacturers

Aircraft applications demand bearエアベットgs that deliver exceptional durability, ensurエアベットg consistently superior performance despite changes エアベット temperature and air pressure. Accordエアベットgly the aerospace エアベットdustry imposes strエアベットgent standards. We have obtaエアベットed MIL standard and certification from maエアベット commercial aircraft manufacturers エアベット Japan, U.S.A. and Europe.

Production エアベット The World's Three Aerospace Markets

We have production and R&D centers エアベット Japan, Thailand, U.S. and Europe, renderエアベットg us well-positioned to respond to our customer needs globally.

Product Data

Item Contents
Maエアベット User Automobile manufacturers , Aerospace manufacturers , Machエアベットe tool manufacturers
Commenced Operation エアベット 1968


Automotive components

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Japan [ Sales Headquarters MエアベットebeaMitsumi エアベットc. ]

FAX 81-3-6758-6760

America [ NMB Technologies Corporation ]

e-mail エアベット
TEL 1-818-341-3355
FAX 1-818-341-8207

Europe [ NMB-Mエアベットebea-GmbH ]

e-mail rodエアベットfo.eusales@nmb-mエアベット
TEL 49-6103-913-0
FAX 49-6103-913-220

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