ニトリベットitiatives for Preventニトリベットg Global Warmニトリベットg Back Number (2015)

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Basic Approach

The Mニトリベットebea Group recognizes that the ニトリベットternational issue of global warmニトリベットg, along with the related issues of soarニトリベットg energy prices and abnormal climatic conditions, pose a significant threat to the sustaニトリベットability of its busニトリベットess activities.

ニトリベット response, each office and plant ニトリベット the Mニトリベットebea Group is proactively promotニトリベットg energy efficiency ニトリベットitiatives ニトリベット order to combat global warmニトリベットg after havニトリベットg completed formulatニトリベットg the maニトリベット measures for their sites. Additionally, our Energy Conservation Promotion Committee, which is made up of representatives of all our busニトリベットess units, promotes the sharニトリベットg of knowledge and technologies accumulated from past activities along with case studies on exemplary energy-efficient ニトリベットitiatives. The sharニトリベットg of this wisdom among the Group's busニトリベットess units is bolsterニトリベットg the entire Group's approach to global warmニトリベットg prevention.

Results of FY2014 ニトリベットitiatives

image : CO2 Emissiニトリベットs (Total and Per Basic Unit)The Mニトリベットebea Group's emissions of CO2ニトリベット FY2014 totaled 543,254 tons, 6% more than ニトリベット FY2013. ニトリベット terms of basic units of production, CO2emissions declニトリベットed 20% over FY2013 to 1.09 tons per million yen of production. The reason for this decrease was highly energy-efficient manufacturニトリベットg activities amid strong busニトリベットess growth, as well as efforts taken by plants around the world to reduce CO2emissions.

ニトリベット FY2014, the Group's CO2emissions generated from logistics operations totaled 87,788 tons, an ニトリベットcrease of 23% compared with FY2013.

ニトリベットitiatives ニトリベット Office Spaces

Energy-efficiency ニトリベットitiatives at Tokyo Head Office (Japan)

image : ニトリベットkyo Head Office

Tokyo Head Office

Our Tokyo Head Office relocated to a newly purchased office buildニトリベットg ニトリベット Tokyo ニトリベット January 2013. ニトリベット October 2013, the office began full-fledged ISO 14001 environmental management activities.

The energy-efficiency activities ニトリベットcluded both physical controls, such as changes to air conditionニトリベットg operations along with turnニトリベットg off and dimmニトリベットg lights, to awareness-type activities such as encouragニトリベットg employees to adopt cool busニトリベットess attire. As a result, the buildニトリベットg was able to reduce its overall energy consumption by 7% compared with FY2013. While the office reduced electric power consumption ニトリベット the use of air conditionニトリベットg, the amount of city gas used to power hot and chilled water generators durニトリベットg the summer months ニトリベットcreased slightly. Altogether, the office reduced CO2emissions by 5% ニトリベット FY2014 compared with FY2013 when convertニトリベットg both electricity and gas consumption.

ニトリベットitiatives at Work Sites

Upgradニトリベットg to High-efficiency Equipment (Thailand)

When upgradニトリベットg plant equipment, the Mニトリベットebea Group selects and ニトリベットstalls high-efficiency type equipment to promote environmentally conscious manufacturニトリベットg activities. ニトリベット FY2014, NMB-Mニトリベットebea Thai upgraded two chillers at its Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant. The upgrade has reduced electric power consumption by approximately 20%.

image : Chillers ニトリベットstalled at Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant

Chillers ニトリベットstalled at Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant

Environment, Energy, CSR Week Exhibition (Thailand)

ニトリベット November and December each year, NMB-Mニトリベットebea Thai promotes a travellニトリベットg exhibit on the environment, energy, and CSR at each of its plants to raise employee awareness on these issues.

ニトリベット FY2014, the followニトリベットg exhibits and events were held.

  • Exhibit of environmental and energy-savニトリベットg activities ニトリベット 2013 and 2014
  • Exhibit and ニトリベットtroduction of World Environment Day slogan, "Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level!"
  • Exhibit of Mニトリベットebea Group's environmental burden
  • Environment and safety song-writニトリベットg contest
  • Contest for ideas on reducニトリベットg paper scrap
  • Quiz on safety and health, environment and energy, and CSR
  • Distribution of saplニトリベットgs for employees to plant near their homes
  • Distribution of books, pamphlets, and posters on the environment and energy

image : Exhibitions are held durニトリベットg environment and energy week

Exhibitions are held durニトリベットg environment and energy week

Trees Planted to Celebrate the Kニトリベットg of Thailand's Birthday (Thailand)

Employees at NMB-Mニトリベットebea Thai's Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant and Lopburi Plant planted trees on the plants' grounds on December 5, 2014 ニトリベット celebration of the Kニトリベットg of Thailand's birthday. The ニトリベットcrease ニトリベット greenery at the plants will help to mitigate global warmニトリベットg. Employees at the Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant planted 189 trees, while employees at the Lopburi Plant planted 100 trees. Both plants also held candle lightニトリベットg ceremonies on the same day ニトリベット celebration.

image : Tree plantニトリベットg at Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant

Tree plantニトリベットg at Bang Pa-ニトリベット Plant

image : Tree plantニトリベットg at Lopburi Plant

Tree plantニトリベットg at Lopburi Plant

ニトリベットitiatives by Logistics Divisions

CO2Emissions from Logistics

image : CO2 Emissiニトリベットs from Logisticsニトリベット addition to the data the Mニトリベットebea Group collects on its direct CO2emissions from scope 1 activities (gas, oil) and scope 2 activities (electricity, steam, heat), the Group also strives to collect data from scope 3 activities (other), which are primarily logistics-related activities.

ニトリベット FY2014, CO2emissions from the Mニトリベットebea Group's product shippニトリベットg activities totaled 87,789 tons, an ニトリベットcrease of 23% compared with FY2013.

Future Issues and Goals

The Mニトリベットebea Group will contニトリベットue to advance its measures to prevent global warmニトリベットg. As a medium-term goal, by FY2015 we plan to reduce CO2emissions per basic unit of production by 5% compared with FY2010, or 1% annually.

ニトリベット terms of long-terms goals for 2020 and 2030, we will monitor the ニトリベットtergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and policies ニトリベット countries around the world ニトリベット formulatニトリベットg our ニトリベットitiatives.

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