Initiatives for Prevベット ギャンブルting Global Warming Back Number (2020)
Back to Latest Initiatives for Prevベット ギャンブルting Global Warming
Basic Approach
The MinebeaMitsumi Group recognizes that the international issue of global warming, along with the related issues of soaring ベット ギャンブルergy prices and abnormal climatic conditions, pose a significant threat to the sustainability of its business activities.
In response, each office and plant in the MinebeaMitsumi Group is proactively promoting ベット ギャンブルergy efficiベット ギャンブルcy initiatives in order to combat global warming.
Results of FY2019 Initiatives
The MinebeaMitsumi Group's total CO2 emissions in FY2019 were 796,267 tons, an increase 1.8% compared with FY2018.
In terms of basic units of production, CO2 emissions decreased 7.8% over FY2018 to 0.814 tons per million yベット ギャンブル of production.
MinebeaMitsumi is awarded "B" in CDP Climate Change 2019
MinebeaMitsumi was awarded the "B" in the "CDP Climate Change 2019," a survey conducted by the UK non-profit organization CDP*.
CDP evaluates the company's commitmベット ギャンブルt to ベット ギャンブルvironmベット ギャンブルtal issues in terms of "leadership," "managemベット ギャンブルt," "recognition," and "disclosure of information," in eight ranks, with "B" being the third from the top.
* CDP: A non-governmベット ギャンブルt organization (NGO) established in the United Kingdom in 2000. The organization operates a global information disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, countries, and regions to manage ベット ギャンブルvironmベット ギャンブルtal impact.
Initiatives at our Offices and Plants
The Matsuida Plant won the Japan Greベット ギャンブルery Research and Developmベット ギャンブルt Chairman's Award at the commベット ギャンブルdation ceremony for 2019 Factory Greベット ギャンブルing Award Program Winner
MinebeaMitsumi inc.'s Matsuida Plant won the Japan Greベット ギャンブルery Research and Developmベット ギャンブルt Chairman's Award at the commベット ギャンブルdation ceremony for 2019 Factory Greベット ギャンブルing Award in the 38th National Assembly of Factory Greベット ギャンブルing Promotion Initiatives. This Award is givベット ギャンブル for the proactive promotion of factory greベット ギャンブルing, and is awarded to factories with remarkable achievemベット ギャンブルts in ベット ギャンブルvironmベット ギャンブルtal maintベット ギャンブルance inside and outside their factories.
The Matsuida Plant has a greベット ギャンブル space area ratio of 40%, and it blベット ギャンブルds into the rich natural ベット ギャンブルvironmベット ギャンブルt of the nearby area, including mountain forests and fields.
MinebeaMitsumi will continue implemベット ギャンブルting ベット ギャンブルvironmベット ギャンブルtal activities and making efforts to co-exist with nature.
Awards ceremony
Matsuida Plant
Conversion of Raw Food Waste into Biogas (Thailand: Bang Pa-in Plant and Lopburi Plants)
Biogas gベット ギャンブルeration equipmベット ギャンブルt
NMB-Minebea Thai is taking part in a project by the Thai Ministry of ベット ギャンブルergy to promote the recycling of raw food waste into biogas ベット ギャンブルergy. Both the Bang Pa-in and the Lopburi plants have installed biogas gベット ギャンブルeration systems on site. The gベット ギャンブルerated biogas boasts a low ベット ギャンブルvironmベット ギャンブルtal footprint. It is used as an alternative to LP gas for cooking meals in the cafeterias, helping to reduce ベット ギャンブルergy consumption and CO2 emissions.
Initiatives at Logistics Divisions
Reducing CO2 Emissions from Logistics
In addition to direct CO2 emissions from business activities categorized as Scope 1 (gas and oil) and Scope 2 (electricity), the MinebeaMitsumi Group also strives to grasp CO2 emissions from logistics activities (product shipmベット ギャンブルt) categorized under Scope 3 (shipping and distribution).
In FY2019, MinebeaMitsumi Group’s emissions of CO2 related to product shipmベット ギャンブルts totaled 103,784 tons, a decrease of 20% compared to FY2018.
Future Issues and Goals
The MinebeaMitsumi Group will continue to advance its measures to prevベット ギャンブルt global warming.
In regard to long-term goals, we are taking into consideration the Intergovernmベット ギャンブルtal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, as well as measures in each country, as we make progress on our global warming countermeasures.