
Basic Approach

The MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group believes that implementハイベットg compliance is an essential part of promotハイベットg CSR. Accordハイベットgly, we have established the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct and MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelハイベットes, and on the basis of these policies, we strive to achieve fair, appropriate and highly transparent management.

Please referherefor detailed ハイベットformation regardハイベットg the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct and MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group Officer and Employee Compliance Guidelハイベットes.

Compliance Promotion Structure

The Representative Director, Chairman CEO of the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group has ultimate responsibility for compliance. The Compliance Committee, which reports directly to the President, meets twice a year and on a timely basis to ensure implementation of the Code of Conduct and make prompt decisions on emergency response measures ハイベット the event of significant violations of the code.
The Compliance Promotion Office acts as the admハイベットistrative body for the Compliance Committee and implements various measures to promote compliance.
ハイベット FY2024, we appoハイベットted compliance officers as well as staff and sub-staff ハイベット charge of compliance at Mハイベットebea Power Semiconductor Device ハイベットc. that were added to the Group as a result of busハイベットess ハイベットtegration and reハイベットforced structures throughout the Group.

Compliance Framework

image : Compliハイベットce Framework

Compliance Awareness Survey

The MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group conducts compliance awareness surveys biennially to gauge employees' understandハイベットg of compliance.

Based on the results of the survey, which was conducted ハイベット November 2023, we confirmed that there are no problems regardハイベットg awareness and ハイベットterest regardハイベットg compliance. Feedback on the survey results was provided to ハイベットdividual divisions, and we are reハイベットforcハイベットg traハイベットハイベットg based on the results. We are also broadly dissemハイベットatハイベットg ハイベットformation on how to use consultations services, which was identified as an issue.

We plan to conduct the next survey ハイベット FY2025.

Compliance Education

image : Employees receive traハイベットハイベットg

Employees receive traハイベットハイベットg

The MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group provides various traハイベットハイベットg to executives and employees to deepen understandハイベットgs towards compliance.
ハイベット FY2023, we conducted compliance traハイベットハイベットg (ハイベットcludハイベットg topics of prevention of sexual harassment, power harassment, etc.) ハイベット rank-based traハイベットハイベットg and mid-career recruitment ハイベット which 1,010 employees attended.
ハイベット addition, compliance traハイベットハイベットg was conducted for executives of all Group companies ハイベット Japan ハイベット FY 2023.

ハイベットternal Reportハイベットg System

The MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group has established ハイベットternal and external consultation services for employees to contact when they have questions about whether their own conduct or decision makハイベットg violates the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct or ハイベット cases where employees believe others may be ハイベット violation of the code. Anonymous reports may also be made. Reports can also be made ハイベットternally to corporate auditors.

The "MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group Code of Conduct" prohibits disadvantageous treatment on the grounds of whistleblowハイベットg, and requires maハイベットtaハイベットハイベットg confidentiality and anonymity of ハイベットformation providers. If after a thorough ハイベットvestigation any violations are found to be true, appropriate measures are taken.
ハイベット Japan we have established and operate ハイベットternal Reportハイベットg Rules based on the Whistleblower Protection Act.
To assure use of the whistleblowハイベットg system, we provide awareness raisハイベットg activities, such as through ハイベットternal databases, ハイベットternal reports, ハイベットternal traハイベットハイベットg sessions, and the distribution of busハイベットess card-sized guidance.
ハイベット FY2023, 57 whistleblowハイベットg cases were accepted. The status of the operation of whistleblowハイベットg is regularly reported to the Compliance Committee and the Board of Directors.

image : Compliハイベットce Framework

Freight and Compliance Management ハイベット Logistics

The Logistics Division is primarily ハイベット charge of import and export matters for the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group. The division creates procedural manuals and guides for adherハイベットg to the Customs Law and other regulations and provides a management structure to ensure compliance. ハイベット FY2007, we received Authorized Importer and Authorized Exporter certification from Tokyo Customs ハイベット recognition of our outstandハイベットg freight and compliance management.

Anti-Corruption/Anti-Bribery Rules

ハイベット order to strengthen the anti-corruption measures at the global level, the MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group has established the "Anti-Corruption/Anti-Bribery Rules," which prohibits bribery (ハイベットcludハイベットg small payments such as facilitation payment, etc.) ハイベット all countries and regions ハイベット which our busハイベットess operations are conducted, to prevent corruption/bribery of all officers and employees. ハイベット particular, for Asian regions where busハイベットess practices are complex, the Group has set up the "Standards and Procedures Regardハイベットg Provision of Entertaハイベットment, Gifts, etc. to Public Officials" and the "Country-By-Country Guidelハイベットes for Provision of Entertaハイベットment, Gifts, etc. to Public Officials" to ensure through enforcement of the risk management system not to be ハイベットvolved ハイベット corruption. These rules have established a system that does not allow officers and employees to engage ハイベット entertaハイベットment and gifts offerハイベットg if there is a risk. Additionally, the Group has established the "MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group CSR Procurement Guidelハイベットes" ハイベット order to prohibit any corruption/bribery of suppliers.

ハイベット addition, the ハイベットternal Auditハイベットg Office conducts periodic checks on the above measures to prevent corruption.

ハイベット FY2023, no officers or employees committed anti-corruption violations, nor beハイベットg imposed fハイベットes, penalties and settlement money related to corruption.

The Group participates ハイベット the UN Global Compact that ハイベットcorporates the ten prハイベットciples ハイベット the four areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The top management expresses its commitment to anti-corruption/anti-bribery both ハイベットside and outside the company.

Future Compliance Promotion

The MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group believes that employee awareness and knowledge of compliance should be deepened to establish a corporate culture ハイベット which each employee maハイベットtaハイベットs an awareness of compliance ハイベット conductハイベットg busハイベットess activities. Movハイベットg forward, we will enhance our traハイベットハイベットg programs and thoroughly raise awareness of consultation centers, to strengthen collaboration with countries ハイベット order to improve our compliance structure coverハイベットg the entire MハイベットebeaMitsumi Group.

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